3 Aug 2021
Torsten Aul joins Investec
Investec strengthens its Debt Advisory practice
Torsten Aul joins Investec to expand its successful debt advisory practice in Germany. He focusses on debt financing solutions for the German Medium-Sized businesses across all sectors with particular focus on asset heavy industries such as real estate, solar and wind. Acquisition financings and re-financings round up his profile.
For 20 years Torsten has acted as a trusted advisor to the boards and owners of mid-cap and large-cap but also to private equity companies. He has completed a variety of complex financings in the form of syndicated loans, mezzanine, Schuldscheindarlehen, private placements, bonds and acquisition financings but also hybrid- and equity raisings. With his truly outstanding investor network he specializes on capital markets focused financing solutions.
Before joining Investec in June 2021, Torsten held several senior positions at leading investment banks such as ODDO BHF Corporates & Markets as Head of Corporate Finance, IKB Deutsche Industriebank, Head of Syndicate as well as Sal. Oppenheim, HVB/UniCredit and the consultancy firm McKinsey.
His experience in the corporate world will be a great asset to us as we move forward with him as part of our core debt advisory and financing team.
Contact: Torsten Aul