
Financing investments in the German industry

Why the German industry has a great need for investment.

German industry is facing significant challenges, including the effects of digitalization, the shift from analogue to digital business models, the need for environmental protection measures and sustainable production processes, as well as demographic change, which is leading to a shortage of skilled workers and an ageing workforce. In order to successfully master these processes, significantly higher investment efforts are required than in the past.

Digitalization and Industry 4.0: At present, Germany ranks at best in the middle of the EU in terms of the use of digital technologies in the economy1. German industry must invest in digital technologies and automation to remain competitive. However, in order to catch up with comparable countries, IT and digitalization investments in Germany would have to double or triple from EUR 49 billion to EUR 100 to 150 billion annually. In the SME sector alone, digitalization expenditure would have to increase from EUR 18 billion in 2019 to EUR 35 to 50 billion per year.

Sustainability and environmental protection: Companies are increasingly focusing on environmentally friendly technologies and processes in order to achieve sustainability goals and reduce their environmental impact. These investments not only serve to protect the environment, but also contribute to long-term competitiveness. A recent study commissioned by KfW puts the climate protection investments required to achieve the goal of climate neutrality by 2050 at around EUR 5 trillion or around EUR 190 billion per year1. This enormous sum makes it clear that considerably greater efforts will be required to achieve the target than has been the case to date.

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