3 Juil 2024
Selling your practice – Creating added value through professional advice
In the past, large practice structures in particular were almost impossible to sell or could only be sold to a successor for a small fee. The entry of investors has fundamentally changed this.
There are many reasons for selling a practice. For many, a decisive point is to hand over the practice and therefore the staff and patients to a suitable successor. But what to do if there is no internal successor?
In this case, the only option is to sell to a third party. In many cases, this can and will be a doctor who will continue to run the practice according to the previous owner’s ideas. However, if the practice has reached a certain size, very few doctors will feel able to pay an appropriate purchase price. This is where larger groups can fill the gap.
In many specialist areas, groups financed by investors are already active today and are consolidating the market. These groups generally pay a (significantly) more attractive price for the practice than other doctors could and also offer support in many administrative areas. However, patient care is still entirely the responsibility of the doctors.
In addition to the financial aspects, choosing the « right » partner for the life’s work is also crucial. Legislation stipulates that the selling doctors must generally continue to work for three years in the medical care centre to be established for the sale at the latest. A corresponding time horizon must be planned for by the practice owners. In addition, earn-out clauses are usually agreed in the purchase agreements, which only come into effect after two or more years of co-operation.
Valuing means comparing: We carry out a structured sales process with all relevant market participants in close consultation with you. The aim is to obtain as many different offers as possible in order to be able to select the most attractive offer.
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