How do you teach your children the value of money? When do you start the conversation? Do you risk spoiling them and making their lives too easy? It’s never too early to start educating your children about money. How you make it, how you should manage it and why it should never define how you live your life. The earlier you start, the easier it will be, so that, when the time comes to inherit your wealth, they will be better equipped to manage the money wisely.
Investec Wealth & Investment (UK) is now part of Rathbones Group Plc. Find out what this means.
How do you fund your children’s education? How would your family manage if you were no longer around? How do you teach your children the value of money? Can your finances cope with a growing family and help support ageing parents? Do you worry about becoming a burden on your family in later life?
When you become a parent, it changes everything. Your priority is to ensure your children’s future wellbeing and success and, if you have parents that also need your support, it’s easy to feel caught in the middle, at a time when your outgoings and the demands on your time are at their highest.
Financial Planning can help equip you for the challenges ahead, bringing you both clarity and peace of mind. At Investec, we take the time to understand your goals and priorities and then build a plan that will help ensure your family’s future is more secure, whatever surprises life throws at you.
I want my family to be financially secure
How would your family cope financially if you were no longer around? What happens if you could no longer work? Will you become a burden on your children if you go into long-term care? It’s difficult to contemplate no longer being able to support your family, but nobody has a crystal ball as to what the future will hold, which is why it’s important to talk to a Financial Planner and put provisions in place to support your family financially – whatever life may throw at you.
In a study of 2,500 families over several decades research suggests inherited wealth rarely endures. By the second generation, it found 70% of family fortunes had been depleted. By the third generation, the figure was 90%.
* The Williams Group, a US wealth consultancy
I want to invest in my children’s future
When should you start saving for your children’s future? How much are you willing to compromise your own lifestyle to help your children get the best start in life? Will investing on their behalf make their lives too easy? How can you be smarter about the cost of school fees? Whilst some will view the rewards of a private education as beneficial, others will prefer to invest the money in helping pay for a deposit on a future home. Investing in your children’s future is one of the most important financial decisions you can make as a parent and often involves tough decisions. We can help you plan for your children’s future, however you decide to support them.
How Financial Planning can help you
Whether it’s understanding how to ensure your family could cope financially if you were no longer around, or investing for your children’s future, Financial Planning will help you understand where life can take you. We align your life goals with your personal finances to help bring financial clarity to whatever needs, goals or ambitions you have in life.
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Ready to have a conversation?
If you’d like to have an informal, no obligation conversation or have any questions about how best to support your family’s future, please get in touch.
Investec Wealth & Investment (UK) is a trading name of Investec Wealth & Investment Limited which is a subsidiary of Rathbones Group Plc. Investec Wealth & Investment Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and is registered in England. Registered No. 2122340. Registered Office: 30 Gresham Street. London. EC2V 7QN.