Investec Rand and US Dollar Autocalls

Solid growth year after year

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Image of a zebra

Investec Structured Products is pleased to announce the launch of two Autocalls, one in Rands listed on the JSE and one in US Dollars listed in Dublin.

The Investec Rand Nikkei 225 Autocall provides investors exposure to the largest publicly traded companies in Japan, while the USD Euro Stoxx 50 Autocall provides exposure to Europe’s largest companies.

The Rand Autocall constitutes Investment Profile 1 of the Flexible Investment Note (FIN)1. The product is listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and offers a simple annual return of 17% in Rands if the index ends flat or positive on one of the annual call dates.

1Please refer to the attached Application Form for more details relating to the FIN

The Dollar Autocall references the Euro Stoxx 50 Index and is listed on Euronext Dublin. The Autocall offers an annual return of 10.25% if the index ends flat or positive on an annual basis from year 3. Both products provide a high degree of capital protection, over the 5-year period.

Return potential

17% p.a. (simple) in Rand, if the Index is flat or positive on a call date

Capital preservation

Capital protection provided the Index has not fallen by more than 30% on the Final Valuation Date of the Autocall.

Term to maturity

Maximum 5-year calculation period, subject to possible automatic annual calls


Minimum investment

Investments in the FIN from R100 000 in increments of R1 000

Return potential

10.25% p.a. (simple) in USD

Capital preservation

Capital protection provided the Index has not fallen by more than 30% on the Final Valuation Date

Term to maturity

Maximum 5-year period, subject to possible automatic calls in year 3, 4 and at the Final Valuation Date in year 5


Minimum investment

Investments from $6000 in increments of $1000

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Documents to download

Investec FNIB03 Rand Nikkei 225 Autocall Brochure and App Form PDF 3.76 MB
Investec IBLIX16 USD Euro Stoxx 50 Autocall Brochure and App Form PDF 4.53 MB
Investec Rand and USD Autocall presentation PDF 2.41 MB
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