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LifeStarter by Investec Life

Access R25,000 in life insurance, at no cost to you. Sign up on the Investec App today.



The life you’re working towards is anything but ordinary, that’s why we’ve designed extraordinary life insurance solutions to help you protect it. But we understand that managing competing responsibilities and financial pressures can feel like a balancing act. So, we’ve developed a product to kickstart your life insurance journey with us.


LifeStarter: your complimentary cover

As a Private Banking client under the age of 30, you have exclusive access to complimentary life insurance through our LifeStarter package. Sign up in a few clicks on the Investec App today.

This benefit will fall away when you turn 30, but until then, it will cover you in the event you are diagnosed with a severe illness, become permanently disabled or pass away for a total cover amount of R25,000.


No monthly premium

No underwriting

No medical tests

Apply in less than 30 seconds

Living benefits

Severe Illness Cover
This benefit helps you cover the costs associated with diagnosis, treatment, and lifestyle adjustments if you are diagnosed with a severe illness like cancer, a stroke, or a heart attack.

Disability Cover
This benefit helps you to cover lifestyle adjustments arising from a permanent disability. The lump sum payout can be used to settle your debts, adjust your living space, or motor vehicle.

Death benefit

Should you pass away, your death benefit will pay out to your deceased estate or nominated beneficiary. This can be used to cover funeral costs, settle debt, or provide funds for your loved ones.

What happens when I turn 30?

When you turn 30, this policy will terminate. You will not be charged any premiums on your LifeStarter policy at any point in time. To learn more, read our list of Frequently Asked Questions.


Download LifeStarter by Investec Life brochure PDF 764.04 KB
  • Important points to note

    • The LifeStarter package is only available to Investec Private Banking clients under the age of 30 years old.
    • You will not pay a monthly premium on this policy. Your premiums are fully subsidised by Investec Life.
    • Your policy will end in the earlier event of:
      - A valid claim payout.
      - The month that you turn 30 years old.
      - You no longer having an Investec Private Banking Account.
    • You do not need to go through medical underwriting to qualify.
    • Cover is subject to a six-month waiting period on non-accidental death claims and all severe illness and disability claims. There is no waiting period on accidental death claims.
    • If you pass away, your death benefit will pay out to your estate. To change your beneficiary, please email us at:
    • This complimentary cover is limited to one policy per client.



Get covered in just a few clicks

  1. Log into your Investec App
  2. Click on “For you"
  3. Click on the “LifeStarter” product card
  4. Click on “Sign up now”

Steps to apply

View our guide on how to apply if you are using the App.

No fees. No premiums.
No future obligations.





When life happens, we’ve got you covered.

Our LifeStarter package is a great first step in securing your financial future, however, it only provides an entry level solution to protecting your future with us.