
Imre est analyste au sein d’Investec et a rejoint la société en 2024.

Il conseille principalement les transactions sell-side, les financements, les MBO et les acquisitions d’entreprises.

Avant de rejoindre l’équipe du Benelux, Imre a acquis une expérience en M&A et a effectué des stages auprès de plusieurs entreprises, dont DPG Media.

Il est titulaire d’une BSc en commerce international et d’une maîtrise en économie financière. Il a étudié à l’étranger pendant six mois à Kuala Lumpur, en Malaisie.

Outre le néerlandais, Imre parle couramment l’anglais.

Marc est analyste en Allemagne.

Il a rejoint l’équipe Allemande en septembre 2024 et apporte son expertise principalement sur des projets M&A dans le secteur de la santé. Il a acquis ses connaissances dans le cadre d’un stage chez Capitalmind Investec, au sein de la banque d’investissement SEB et dans le développement commercial d’entreprises du secteur des technologies et de la santé.

Marc est titulaire d’un B.Sc. en ingénierie industrielle (Data Science & Entreprenarial) de l’University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland à Rapperswil (Suisse) et d’un M.Sc. en management (Strategy & International Business) de la Nova School of Business and Economics à Lisbonne (Portugal). Il a également effectué un semestre à l’étranger au sein de l’école de commerce de l’Université d’Aalto à Helsinki, en Finlande.

Il parle couramment l’allemand et l’anglais.

Ryan has c.2 years’ experience having joined Investec in 2023 after successfully completing the internship programme in 2022. Prior to joining the TMT M&A team, Ryan worked in PLC Advisory where he gained experience in Corporate Broking, ECM and Public M&A assisting on several transactions for Investec’s retained FTSE clients.

Ryan holds a First-class degree in History from the University of Edinburgh.

Rob joined Investec in 2022, he has 3 years of Corporate finance experience. Previously Rob has worked at MHP / Marvel studios before joining Investec.

Rob graduated University of Leeds studying Economics & History.

Tim est analyste au sein de Capitalmind Investec (an Investec company) en Suisse.

Il a rejoint l’équipe suisse en novembre 2024 et soutient l’équipe suisse sur les transactions dans les secteurs ciblés.

Avant de rejoindre notre équipe, Tim a acquis de l’expérience dans une boutique suisse de fusions et acquisitions, une banque privée et une société de conseil en gestion.

Il est titulaire d’un BA en banque et finance de l’Université de Zurich et d’un MA en finance de l’Université de New South Wales, Sydney.

Il parle allemand et anglais.

Lynouk est analyste au sein de Investec Benelux.

Elle intervient lors des transactions sell-side, les financements, les MBO et les acquisitions d’entreprises.

Avant de nous rejoindre en 2024, Lynouk a effectué son stage de fin d’études chez nous, un stage au sein d’un fonds d’investissement privé et a travaillé à temps partiel dans le département d’audit de Deloitte.

Elle est titulaire d’un BSc en administration des affaires internationales et d’un MSc en finance de l’Université de Tilburg. Elle a également étudié pendant cinq mois à Cologne en Allemagne.

Lynouk est passionnée par la promotion des femmes dans la finance. Elle a travaillé pour une agence de recrutement qui s’occupe activement de recruter et d’encadrer des étudiantes, en les guidant dans leur carrière dans le secteur néerlandais des fusions et acquisitions et du capital-investissement.

Outre le néerlandais, Lynouk parle couramment l’anglais et a des notions de mandarin.

Cheyam is an Associate Director in London.

He has 7 years of Investment banking and Mid-market M&A experience advising both privately owned and private equity backed businesses with a focus on the testing, Inspection and certification sector. He recently advised LDC on its investment in Sedex and on the Sale of Detectortesters to Inflexion.

Dan is an Associate Director in London.

He has over 9 years in Corporate Finance and transaction advisory experience. Dan has advised on a number of transactions across the services sector.


Freddie is an Associate in London.

He has experience in investment banking and operational consulting. Specializing in mid-market transactions for privately owned and private equity backed businesses, with a focus on the testing, Inspection and certification sector. He recently advised LDC on its investment in Sedex.

Mary is an Analyst in London.

She has experience in mid-market advisory across banking and consulting. She’s focused on advising companies in the Education and Professional Services sectors.

Denise is an Associate based in South Africa for the UK team.

She joined Investec in 2015 and has spent 3 years in the Investment Banking team, now she’s part of the Financial Services team.

Emilia is an Associate in London.

She has experience in Secondaries. Focused on day-to-day execution and delivery of GP-led transactions.

Penny is an Associate Director in London.

She has experience in M&A mid-market in the Industrials sector. She joined Investec in May 2023 from Goldman Sachs where she was a member of Goldman’s mid-market M&A team. Prior to Goldman, Penny worked at Robert W. Baird and Global Leisure Partner and has total experience of 12+ years.

He joined Investec’s Industrials M&A team in June 2023.

Damian was previously an Equity Research Analyst at Investec, covering the Support Services sector and has total experience of 8+ years.

Christopher is an Associate in London.

He joined Investec in April 2024 as an Associate within the Industrials M&A Advisory team. Prior to joining Investec, Chris spent 3 years at Macquarie operating across both the New York and London offices.

Kealyn is an Associate in London.

Kealyn joined Investec in July 2023 as an Analyst within the Industrials M&A Advisory team. Prior to joining Investec, Kealyn spent 3 years at EY South Africa within the Corporate Finance team, working on cross-sector transactions across Africa.

Adam is an Analyst in London.

He joined Investec in April 2024 as an Analyst within the Industrials M&A Advisory team. Prior to joining Investec, Adam spent 2 years at Macquarie Capital operating in their generalist team across a variety of sectors including Industrials, Consumer, Business Services and TMT.

Kimberly is an Associate in London.

She joined the Industrials M&A team in March 2024, after joining Investec in July 2020. She has held various roles across the wider bank with total experience of 4+ years.

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