
So they made an offer. Now what?

Financial investors and strategists are increasingly targeting company owners directly with purchase offers

SMEs have increasingly been the focus of strategic and institutional investors for many years. By means of unsolicited offers, they try to circumvent a structured process and thus make a favourable deal. Here, the transaction advisor can optimise the result for the entrepreneur, for example, through a tailored strategy and by creating a competitive environment.

Medium-sized companies are sought-after targets for investors

For some time now, many private equity companies and large corporations have focussed on acquiring medium-sized companies in Germany, as these are usually seen as innovative as well as sustainable and responsible. These potential buyers often make unsolicited, tantalising offers or hints to this effect, which, however, do not always reflect the actual market value.

Interested parties often push for early exclusivity

The strategy of ‘pre-emptive bids’ is a common practice of these investors, in which they attempt to bypass a structured sales process and eliminate other bidders at an early stage. For a thorough company valuation, however, it is essential to know the alternatives. Professional M&A advisors can point out additional options and test these in the market together with you, initially on an anonymous basis. This allows you to maximise the price and identify the best investor for the company.

A competitive process optimises the result

When you are approached by an investor, it is important to ensure that you are not selling below value. Our experienced team will enable you to develop a customised sales strategy, maintaining the highest level of confidentiality, aimed at achieving the best possible value and keeping you in control of the sales process.

How a structured process can increase the sales price

Valuing means comparing: We carry out the complex sales process with all relevant market participants in close consultation with you. The aim is to obtain as many different offers as possible in order to be able to select the most attractive offer.

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