
The Dutch Fabulous 20 Food and Beverage 2019 – Tenth Edition

The Investec Fabulous 20 Food and Drink 2019 shows the 20 fastest growing companies in the Dutch Food and Beverage industry. This annually recurring ranking is compiled in cooperation with the Dutch magazine FoodPersonality.

‘With the acquisition of Bakkersland, Borgesius takes the first place in the list with an astonishing average growth rate of 94.9%. The top 3 is complemented by Nedato and Van Loon Group, with respectively 28,6% and 25,8% average growth. The list displays that M&A is a prime catalysator for growth as 45% of the companies in the list acquired one or more companies in the measured period.’

A link to the full article on our Fabulous 20 Food and Beverage – tenth edition (2019), can be found here.

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