Earn tiered interest on your savings and access your funds with 32 days’ notice. Our offshore Direct Reserve Account is available in a range of currencies while Executive Direct Reserve is available in sterling and to Channel Islands residents only.

Earn interest on your savings

The higher your balance, the greater interest you earn on your Direct Reserve Account, thanks to tiered interest. With no fixed term, your offshore savings will stay invested until you choose to withdraw them.

Flexible access to your money

When you want to be able to access your offshore savings relatively quickly, our Direct Reserve Account lets you withdraw funds by providing only 32 days’ notice.

Annual income
Net asset value

The Direct Reserve Account is designed for individuals with:

Direct Reserve Account – indicative rates

All rates correct as at 09 September 2024.

Sterling (GBP)
AmountGross rate*AER**
£25,000 - £499,9993.75%3.80%
£500,000 plus4.40%4.47%
US Dollar (USD)
AmountGross rate*AER**
$50,000 - $499,9993.40%3.44%
$500,000 plus4.25%4.32%
Euro (EUR)
AmountGross rate*AER**
€50,000 - €499,9992.25%2.27%
€500,000 plus2.90%2.93%
Australian Dollar (AUD)
AmountGross rate*AER**
AS$100,000 - AS$799,9990.05%0.05%
AS$800,000 plus0.15%0.15%
South African Rand (ZAR)
AmountGross rate*AER**
R500,000 - R8,499,9990.25%0.25%
R8,500,000 plus1.50%1.51%


* Interest is paid gross, without the deduction of tax.

** AER stands for the Annual Equivalent Rate and illustrates what the interest rate would be if interest was paid and compounded once a year. "Gross" is the contractual interest rate paid before the deduction of any tax.


Further information

Direct Reserve Account Terms & Conditions PDF 148.05 KB
Annual income
Net asset value
Minimum balance

The Executive Direct Reserve Account is designed for individuals with:

The Executive Direct Reserve account is available to Channel Island residents only.

Executive Direct Reserve Account – indicative rates

All rates correct as at 09 September 2024. This account is available for Channel Islands residents only.

Executive Direct Reserve account (CI residents only) indicative rates
£50,000 - £249,9994.00%4.06%
£250,000 plus4.70%4.78%


* Interest is paid gross, without the deduction of tax.

** AER stands for the Annual Equivalent Rate and illustrates what the interest rate would be if interest was paid and compounded once a year. "Gross" is the contractual interest rate paid before the deduction of any tax.


Further information

Executive Direct Reserve Account Terms & Conditions PDF 141.86 KB