14 Jun 2021

AIM Portfolio IHT Plan Webinar Replay

What is our AIM Portfolio IHT Plan, and how does it help your clients to maximise the wealth they can pass down to the next generation? Simon Cleaver, Head of our AIM Division at Investec discusses this in our latest webinar, outlining how our highly flexible plan can provide 100% relief after only two years.

If you have clients who are concerned that a significant proportion of their wealth may not pass to the next generation, our AIM Portfolio IHT Plan could be the answer. 


In this webinar, Simon covers the different parts and processes that make up our IHT portfolio plan, starting with our recent announcement that we are no longer charging an up-front fee on our AIM Portfolio IHT Plan. Simon then goes on to explain exactly how the business relief works and the tax breaks your clients can receive, how we build portfolios for this market and the research process behind it, and examples of the performance of these portfolios, and the kind of businesses we invest in.

Ready to find out more?

Speak to Simon today

Please get in touch with Simon if there is anything you would like to discuss further 

Find out more about our AIM IHT Plan

Help your clients leave more to the people they love