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Feedback and complaints

Image of a zebra
Image of a zebra

Keeping our promise to be Out of the Ordinary


We are committed to ensuring our products, service and our people deliver on our promise to be Out of the Ordinary, and aim to resolve complaints quickly and fairly. If it is not possible to promptly resolve your complaint, we will be in touch to update you on its progress through our complaint handling process.

We aim to be in a position to provide a final response to your complaint within eight weeks of the complaint being received. If this has not been possible, we will inform you when we expect to respond however you may decide to refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service.

If you have a suggestion on how we can improve or you would like to submit a complaint, please let us know via the contacts listed below. 

How to provide feedback or make a complaint

Private Banking

Private Banking

In writing

Investec Bank plc
The Banking Team
30 Gresham Street


By email


By phone

To talk to a member of our team, please call +44 (0)20 7597 4050

Wealth & Investment

Wealth & Investment

In writing

Investec Wealth & Investment (UK)
30 Gresham Street


By email (note the underscore at the start of the email address)

Structured Products

Structured Products

In writing

Investec Structured Products,
PO Box 914,
Newport NP20 9PE


By phone

Please call +44 (0)34 4892 0942

Corporate and Wholesale

Corporate and Wholesale

In writing

Investec Bank plc
Corporate and Wholesale Team
30 Gresham Street

Independent review of your complaint

investec financial ombudsman service

Should you be dissatisfied with our final response, you may, if you wish, refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service. Any referral must be made within 6 months of the date of our final response. The Financial Ombudsman Service provides a free, independent and impartial service for customers to resolve disputes with financial firms.

The Financial Ombudsman Service will only deal with your complaint if you have first given us the opportunity to put matters right, so please contact us first and we will do all we can to help you.

The contact details for the Financial Ombudsman Service are set out below.

You can also contact us directly by email, using the details listed above.

Or write to:

The Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
Harbour Exchange Square
E14 9SR

Phone: 0800 023 4567 (consumer helpline)

Investec Bank plc complaints data

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) requires firms that receive 500 or more complaints to publish a summary of reportable complaints on a six-monthly basis. In July 2016 the complaints reporting requirements were broadened to include all complaints that have been resolved within two working days. Since this is our first publication, no historical data is presented.

The FCA provides the template for our completion, so that all relevant data is captured, and a comparison can be easily made between firms. Further information can be found on the FCA’s website at

Firm name: Investec Bank plc

Period covered in this report: 1 April 2024 to 30 September 2024

Brands/trading names covered: Investec Bank PLC, Investec Private Bank, Investec Structured Products, and Investec Special Bank

Product / service groupingNumber of complaints opened by volume of businessNumber of complaints opened
Number of complaints closed% closed within 3 days% closed after 3 days but before 8 weeks% upheldMain cause of complaints opened
Provision (at reporting period end date)Intermediation (within the reporting period)
Banking and credit cards1.80 per 1000 accountsN/A42643641%27%61%general admin / customer service
Home finance3.77 per 1000 balances outstandingper 1000 sales10110%100%82%general admin / customer service
Insurance and pure protectionper 1000 policies in forceper 1000 policies sold000%0%0%N/A
Decumulation and pensionsper 1000 policies in forceper 1000 policies sold000%0%0%N/A
Investments2.23 per 1000 client accountsper 1000 sales or equivalent transactions8714%86%29%general admin / customer service
Credit-related(Recommended only) per 1000 accounts / loans(Recommended only) per 1000 salesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A


Note 1: When providing the appropriate information on the context of complaints, a firm should choose the metric which best reflects whether the majority of business undertaken by the firm involves the provision of products or services by the firm itself or intermediation. In cases where this is not possible, a firm may provide information on context for both intermediation and provision.

Note 2: For provision, information on context should relate the number of complaints opened within the reporting period to the total volume of a firm’s relevant business at the end date of the reporting period. This is likely to include accounts opened, loans provided, policies sold and funds and investments provided before the commencement of the relevant reporting period.

Note 3: For intermediation, information on context published by a firm should relate the number of complaints opened within the reporting period to the number of sales within the relevant reporting period only.

Note 4: It is recommended that firms publish appropriate information on context in respect of credit-related complaints. However, publication of this data is not mandatory.

Note 5: When a firm publishes the ‘main cause of complaints opened’, this should be the cause category prompting the largest number of complaints for the relevant product/service grouping in Table 4 of Part A-2, DISP 1 Annex 1.

Historical complaints data for Investec Bank plc

  • 1 October 2016 - 31 March 2017

    Period covered in this report: 1 October 2016 - 31 March 2017

    Brands/trading names covered: Investec Bank plc, Investec Private Bank, Investec Structured Products and Investec Specialist Bank.


    Product/service groupingNumber of complaints opened by volume of businessNumber of complaints opened
    Number of complaints closed% closed within 3 days% closed after 3 days but before 8 weeks% upheldMain cause of complaints opened
    Provision (at reporting period end date)Intermediation (within the reporting period)
    Banking and credit cards6.55 per 1000 accountsN/A66466854%46%72%General admin / customer service
    Home finance15.82 per 1000 balances outstandingN/A
    1080%100%88%General admin / customer service
    Insurance and pure protection0N/A
    Decumulation and pensions0N/A
    Investments6.91 per 1000 client accountsN/A
    22724325%75%87%Delays / timescales

    Investec Bank plc takes any complaints received very seriously, and has dedicated teams to deal with complaints in the quickest and fairest way possible.
    To put the above figures into context:

    • We received 6.55 complaints for banking per 1,000 relevant accounts over the period.
    • With regards to investments, for every 1,000 relevant accounts, we received 6.91 complaints over the period.
    • 15.82 complaints were opened per 1,000 balances outstanding for home finance.
  • 1 April 2017 - 30 September 2017

    Period covered in this report: 1 April 2017 - 30 September 2017
    Brands/trading names covered: Investec Bank plc, Investec Private Bank, Investec Structured Products and Investec Specialist Bank.


    Product/ service groupingNumber of complaints opened by volume of businessNumber of complaints openedNumber of complaints closed% closed within 3 days% closed after 3 days but before 8 weeks% upheldMain cause of complaints opened
    Provision (at reporting period end date)Intermediation (within the reporting period)
    Banking and credit cards5.80 per 1000 accountsN/A59258867%33%71%General admin / customer service
    Home finance9.01 per 1000 balances outstandingN/A
    6825%75%75%General admin / customer service
    Insurance and pure protection0N/A
    Decumulation and pensions0N/A
    Investments4.47 per 1000 client accountsN/A
    14714145%55%84%Delays / timescales

    Investec Bank plc takes any complaints received very seriously, and has dedicated teams to deal with complaints in the quickest and fairest way possible.
    To put the above figures into context:

    • We received 5.80 complaints for banking per 1,000 relevant accounts over the period.
    • With regards to investments, for every 1,000 relevant accounts, we received 4.47 complaints over the period.
    • 9.01 complaints were opened per 1,000 balances outstanding for home finance.
  • 1 October 2017 - 31 March 2018

    Period covered in this report: 1 October 2017 - 31 March 2018

    Brands/trading names covered: Investec Bank plc, Investec Private Bank, Investec Structured Products and Investec Specialist Bank

    Product/ service groupingNumber of complaints opened by volume of businessNumber of complaints openedNumber of complaints closed% closed within 3 days% closed after 3 days but before 8 weeks% upheldMain cause of complaints opened
    Provision (at reporting period end date)Intermediation (within the reporting period)
    Banking and credit cards

    4.11 per 1000 accounts







    General admin / customer service

    Home finance

    7.60 per 1000 balances outstanding







    General admin / customer service

    Insurance and pure protection0N/A
    Decumulation and pensions0N/A

    2.50 per 1000 client accounts







    Delays / timescales


    Investec Bank plc takes any complaints received very seriously, and has dedicated teams to deal with complaints in the quickest and fairest way possible.
    To put the above figures into context:

    • We received 4.11 complaints for banking per 1,000 relevant accounts over the period.
    • With regards to investments, for every 1,000 relevant accounts, we received 2.50 complaints over the period.
    • 7.60 complaints were opened per 1,000 balances outstanding for home finance.
  • 1 April 2018 - 30 September 2018

    Period covered in this report: 1 April 2018 to 30 September 2018


    Brands/trading names covered: Investec Bank plc, Investec Private Bank, Investec Structured Products and Investec Specialist Bank

    Product/ service groupingNumber of complaints opened by volume of businessNumber of complaints openedNumber of complaints closed% closed within 3 days% closed after 3 days but before 8 weeks% upheldMain cause of complaints opened
    Provision (at reporting period end date)Intermediation (within the reporting period)
    Banking and credit cards

    6.10 per 1000 accounts







    General admin / customer service

    Home finance

    9.39 per 1000 balances outstanding







    General admin / customer service

    Insurance and pure protection0N/A
    Decumulation and pensions0N/A

    1.44 per 1000 client accounts







    General admin / customer service


    Investec Bank plc takes any complaints received very seriously, and has dedicated teams to deal with complaints in the quickest and fairest way possible.
    To put the above figures into context:

    • We received 6.10 complaints for banking per 1,000 relevant accounts over the period.
    • With regards to investments, for every 1,000 relevant accounts, we received 1.44 complaints over the period.
    • 9.39 complaints were opened per 1,000 balances outstanding for home finance.
  • 1 October 2018 to 31 March 2019

    Period covered in this report: 1 October 2018 to 31 March 2019

    Brands/trading names covered: Investec Bank plc, Investec Private Bank, Investec Structured Products and Investec Specialist Bank

    Product/ service groupingNumber of complaints opened by volume of businessNumber of complaints openedNumber of complaints closed% closed within 3 days% closed after 3 days but before 8 weeks% upheldMain cause of complaints opened
    Provision (at reporting period end date)Intermediation (within the reporting period)
    Banking and credit cards

    5.54 per 1000 accounts







    General admin / customer service

    Home finance

    4.54 per 1000 balances outstanding







    General admin / customer service

    Insurance and pure protection0N/A
    Decumulation and pensions0N/A

    1.26 per 1000 client accounts







    General admin / customer service


    Investec Bank plc takes any complaints received very seriously, and has dedicated teams to deal with complaints in the quickest and fairest way possible.


    To put the above figures into context:

    • We received 5.54 complaints for banking per 1,000 relevant accounts over the period.
    • With regards to investments, for every 1,000 relevant accounts, we received 1.26 complaints over the period.
    • 4.54 complaints were opened per 1,000 balances outstanding for home finance.
  • 1 April 2019 to 30 September 2019

    Period covered in this report: 1 April 2019 to 30 September 2019

    Brands/trading names covered: Investec Bank plc, Investec Private Bank, Investec Structured Products and Investec Specialist Bank

    Product/ service groupingNumber of complaints opened by volume of businessNumber of complaints openedNumber of complaints closed% closed within 3 days% closed after 3 days but before 8 weeks% upheldMain cause of complaints opened
    Provision (at reporting period end date)Intermediation (within the reporting period)
    Banking and credit cards

    5.37 per 1000 accounts







    General admin / customer service

    Home finance

    7.82 per 1000 balances outstanding







    General admin / customer service

    Insurance and pure protection0N/A
    Decumulation and pensions0N/A

    1.54 per 1000 client accounts







    General admin / customer service


    Investec Bank plc takes any complaints received very seriously, and has dedicated teams to deal with complaints in the quickest and fairest way possible.


    To put the above figures into context:

    • We received 5.37 complaints for banking per 1,000 relevant accounts over the period.
    • With regards to investments, for every 1,000 relevant accounts, we received 1.54 complaints over the period.
    • 7.82 complaints were opened per 1,000 balances outstanding for home finance.
  • 1 October 2019 to 31 March 2020

    Period covered in this report: 1 October 2019 to 31 March 2020

    Brands/trading names covered: Investec Bank PLC, Investec Private Bank,Investec Structured Products and Investec Special Bank

    Product/ service groupingNumber of complaints opened by volume of businessNumber of complaints openedNumber of complaints closed% closed within 3 days% closed after 3 days but before 8 weeks% upheldMain cause of complaints opened
    Provision (at reporting period end date)Intermediation (within the reporting period)
    Banking and credit cards

    per 1000 accounts 5.49







    General admin / customer service

    Home finance

    per 1000 balances outstanding 4.34

    per 1000 sales






    Delays / timescales

    Insurance and pure protectionper 1000 policies in forceper 1000 policies sold00000N/A
    Decumulation and pensionsper 1000 policies in forceper 1000 policies sold00000N/A

    per 1000 client accounts 2.86 

    per 1000 sales or equivalent transactions






    General admin / customer service

    Credit-related- (Recommended only) per 1000 accounts / loans- (Recommended only) per 1000 sales34N/A
  • 1 April 2020 to 30 September 2020

    Period covered in this report: 1 April 2020 to 30 September 2020

    Brands/trading names covered: Investec Bank PLC, Investec Private Bank,Investec Structured Products and Investec Special Bank

    Product/ service groupingNumber of complaints opened by volume of businessNumber of complaints openedNumber of complaints closed% closed within 3 days% closed after 3 days but before 8 weeks% upheldMain cause of complaints opened
    Provision (at reporting period end date)Intermediation (within the reporting period)
    Banking and credit cards

    per 1000 accounts 6.64







    General admin / customer service

    Home finance

    per 1000 balances outstanding 4.91

    per 1000 sales






    General admin / customer service

    Insurance and pure protectionper 1000 policies in forceper 1000 policies sold00000N/A
    Decumulation and pensionsper 1000 policies in forceper 1000 policies sold00000N/A

    per 1000 client accounts 2.51 

    per 1000 sales or equivalent transactions






    General admin / customer service

    Credit-related- (Recommended only) per 1000 accounts / loans- (Recommended only) per 1000 sales22N/A
  • 1 October 2020 to 31 March 2021

    Period covered in this report: 1 October 2020 to 31 March 2021

    Brands/trading names covered: Investec Bank PLC, Investec Private Bank, Investec Structured Products and Investec Special Bank.


    Product/ service groupingNumber of complaints opened by volume of businessNumber of complaints openedNumber of complaints closed% closed within 3 days% closed after 3 days but before 8 weeks% upheldMain cause of complaints opened
    Provision (at reporting period end date)Intermediation (within the reporting period)
    Banking and credit cards

    5.02 per 1000 accounts







    General admin / customer service

    Home finance

    3.73 per 1000 balances outstanding







    General admin / customer service

    Insurance and pure protection0N/A
    Decumulation and pensions0N/A

    1.08 per 1000 client accounts







    General admin / customer service


    Note 1: When providing the appropriate information on the context of complaints, a firm should choose the metric which best reflects whether the majority of business undertaken by the firm involves the provision of products or services by the firm itself or intermediation. In cases where this is not possible, a firm may provide information on context for both intermediation and provision.

    Note 2: For provision, information on context should relate the number of complaints opened within the reporting period to the total volume of a firm’s relevant business at the end date of the reporting period. This is likely to include accounts opened, loans provided, policies sold and funds and investments provided before the commencement of the relevant reporting period.

    Note 3: For intermediation, information on context published by a firm should relate the number of complaints opened within the reporting period to the number of sales within the relevant reporting period only.

    Note 4: It is recommended that firms publish appropriate information on context in respect of credit-related complaints. However, publication of this data is not mandatory.

    Note 5: When a firm publishes the ‘main cause of complaints opened’, this should be the cause category prompting the largest number of complaints for the relevant product/service grouping in Table 4 of Part A-2, DISP 1 Annex 1.

  • 1 April 2021 to 30 September 2021

    Period covered in this report: 1 April 2021 to 30 September 2021

    Brands/trading names covered: Investec Bank PLC, Investec Private Bank, Investec Structured Products and Investec Specialist Bank


    Product / service groupingNumber of complaints opened by volume of businessNumber of complaints opened
    Number of complaints closed% closed within 3 days% closed after 3 days but before 8 weeks% upheldMain cause of complaints opened
    Provision (at reporting period end date)Intermediation (within the reporting period)
    Banking and credit cards5.02 per 1000 accountsN/A1368133985%15%33%general admin / customer service
    Home finance3.73 per 1000 balances outstandingper 1000 sales8714%86%71%general admin / customer service
    Insurance and pure protectionper 1000 policies in forceper 1000 policies sold00000N/A
    Decumulation and pensionsper 1000 policies in forceper 1000 policies sold00000N/A
    Investments1.08 per 1000 client accountsper 1000 sales or equivalend transactions747427%73%54%general admin / customer service
    Credit-related(Recommend only) per 1000 accounts / loans(Recommended only) per 1000 sales55N/AN/A100%N/A


    Note 1: When providing the appropriate information on the context of complaints, a firm should choose the metric which best reflects whether the majority of business undertaken by the firm involves the provision of products or services by the firm itself or intermediation. In cases where this is not possible, a firm may provide information on context for both intermediation and provision.

    Note 2: For provision, information on context should relate the number of complaints opened within the reporting period to the total volume of a firm’s relevant business at the end date of the reporting period. This is likely to include accounts opened, loans provided, policies sold and funds and investments provided before the commencement of the relevant reporting period.

    Note 3: For intermediation, information on context published by a firm should relate the number of complaints opened within the reporting period to the number of sales within the relevant reporting period only.

    Note 4: It is recommended that firms publish appropriate information on context in respect of credit-related complaints. However, publication of this data is not mandatory.

    Note 5: When a firm publishes the ‘main cause of complaints opened’, this should be the cause category prompting the largest number of complaints for the relevant product/service grouping in Table 4 of Part A-2, DISP 1 Annex 1.

  • 1 October 2021 to 31 March 2022

    Period covered in this report: 1 October 2021 to 31 March 2022

    Brands/trading names covered: Investec Bank PLC, Investec Private Bank, Investec Structured Products and Investec Specialist Bank

    Product / service groupingNumber of complaints opened by volume of businessNumber of complaints opened
    Number of complaints closed% closed within 3 days% closed after 3 days but before 8 weeks% upheldMain cause of complaints opened
    Provision (at reporting period end date)Intermediation (within the reporting period)
    Banking and credit cards9.51 per 1000 accountsN/A1738173986%14%28%general admin / customer service
    Home finance2.96 per 1000 balances outstandingper 1000 sales770%100%57%general admin / customer service
    Insurance and pure protectionper 1000 policies in forceper 1000 policies sold00000N/A
    Decumulation and pensionsper 1000 policies in forceper 1000 policies sold00000N/A
    Investments3.06 per 1000 client accountsper 1000 sales or equivalend transactions586012%88%48%general admin / customer service
    Credit-related(Recommend only) per 1000 accounts / loans(Recommended only) per 1000 sales44N/AN/A75%N/A


    Note 1: When providing the appropriate information on the context of complaints, a firm should choose the metric which best reflects whether the majority of business undertaken by the firm involves the provision of products or services by the firm itself or intermediation. In cases where this is not possible, a firm may provide information on context for both intermediation and provision.

    Note 2: For provision, information on context should relate the number of complaints opened within the reporting period to the total volume of a firm’s relevant business at the end date of the reporting period. This is likely to include accounts opened, loans provided, policies sold and funds and investments provided before the commencement of the relevant reporting period.

    Note 3: For intermediation, information on context published by a firm should relate the number of complaints opened within the reporting period to the number of sales within the relevant reporting period only.

    Note 4: It is recommended that firms publish appropriate information on context in respect of credit-related complaints. However, publication of this data is not mandatory.

    Note 5: When a firm publishes the ‘main cause of complaints opened’, this should be the cause category prompting the largest number of complaints for the relevant product/service grouping in Table 4 of Part A-2, DISP 1 Annex 1.

  • 1 April 2022 - 30 September 2022

    Firm name: Investec Bank plc

    Period covered in this report: 1 April 2022 to 30 September 2022

    Brands/trading names covered: Investec Bank PLC, Investec Private Bank, Investec Structured Products, Investec Specialist Bank and Investec Asset Finance

    Product / service groupingNumber of complaints opened by volume of businessNumber of complaints opened
    Number of complaints closed% closed within 3 days% closed after 3 days but before 8 weeks% upheldMain cause of complaints opened
    Provision (at reporting period end date)Intermediation (within the reporting period)
    Banking and credit cards9.51 per 1000 accountsN/A1913189379%21%27%general admin / customer service
    Home finance2.96 per 1000 balances outstandingper 1000 sales14147%93%86%general admin / customer service
    Insurance and pure protectionper 1000 policies in forceper 1000 policies sold00000N/A
    Decumulation and pensionsper 1000 policies in forceper 1000 policies sold00000N/A
    Investments3.06 per 1000 client accountsper 1000 sales or equivalend transactions54522%98%48%general admin / customer service
    Credit-related(Recommended only) per 1000 accounts / loans(Recommended only) per 1000 sales33N/AN/A33%N/A


    Note 1: When providing the appropriate information on the context of complaints, a firm should choose the metric which best reflects whether the majority of business undertaken by the firm involves the provision of products or services by the firm itself or intermediation. In cases where this is not possible, a firm may provide information on context for both intermediation and provision.

    Note 2: For provision, information on context should relate the number of complaints opened within the reporting period to the total volume of a firm’s relevant business at the end date of the reporting period. This is likely to include accounts opened, loans provided, policies sold and funds and investments provided before the commencement of the relevant reporting period.

    Note 3: For intermediation, information on context published by a firm should relate the number of complaints opened within the reporting period to the number of sales within the relevant reporting period only.

    Note 4: It is recommended that firms publish appropriate information on context in respect of credit-related complaints. However, publication of this data is not mandatory.

    Note 5: When a firm publishes the ‘main cause of complaints opened’, this should be the cause category prompting the largest number of complaints for the relevant product/service grouping in Table 4 of Part A-2, DISP 1 Annex 1.

  • 1 October 2022 - 31 March 2023

    Firm name: Investec Bank plc

    Period covered in this report: 1 October 2022 to 31 March 2023

    Brands/trading names covered: Investec Bank PLC, Investec Private Bank, Investec Structured Products, and Investec Special Bank

    Product / service groupingNumber of complaints opened by volume of businessNumber of complaints opened
    Number of complaints closed% closed within 3 days% closed after 3 days but before 8 weeks% upheldMain cause of complaints opened
    Provision (at reporting period end date)Intermediation (within the reporting period)
    Banking and credit cards6 per 1000 accountsN/A1208119963%37%39%general admin / customer service
    Home finance2.96 per 1000 balances outstandingper 1000 sales350%100%40%general admin / customer service
    Insurance and pure protectionper 1000 policies in forceper 1000 policies sold00000N/A
    Decumulation and pensionsper 1000 policies in forceper 1000 policies sold00000N/A
    Investments3.06 per 1000 client accountsper 1000 sales or equivalent transactions58612%97%69%general admin / customer service
    Credit-related(Recommended only) per 1000 accounts / loans(Recommended only) per 1000 sales12N/AN/A100%N/A


    Note 1: When providing the appropriate information on the context of complaints, a firm should choose the metric which best reflects whether the majority of business undertaken by the firm involves the provision of products or services by the firm itself or intermediation. In cases where this is not possible, a firm may provide information on context for both intermediation and provision.

    Note 2: For provision, information on context should relate the number of complaints opened within the reporting period to the total volume of a firm’s relevant business at the end date of the reporting period. This is likely to include accounts opened, loans provided, policies sold and funds and investments provided before the commencement of the relevant reporting period.

    Note 3: For intermediation, information on context published by a firm should relate the number of complaints opened within the reporting period to the number of sales within the relevant reporting period only.

    Note 4: It is recommended that firms publish appropriate information on context in respect of credit-related complaints. However, publication of this data is not mandatory.

    Note 5: When a firm publishes the ‘main cause of complaints opened’, this should be the cause category prompting the largest number of complaints for the relevant product/service grouping in Table 4 of Part A-2, DISP 1 Annex 1.

  • 1 April 2023 - 30 September 2023

    Firm name: Investec Bank plc

    Period covered in this report: 1 April 2023 to 30 September 2023

    Brands/trading names covered: Investec Bank PLC, Investec Private Bank, Investec Structured Products, and Investec Special Bank


    Product / service groupingNumber of complaints opened by volume of businessNumber of complaints opened
    Number of complaints closed% closed within 3 days% closed after 3 days but before 8 weeks% upheldMain cause of complaints opened
    Provision (at reporting period end date)Intermediation (within the reporting period)
    Banking and credit cards2.34 per 1000 accountsN/A50851538%62%59%general admin / customer service
    Home finance3.40 per 1000 balances outstandingper 1000 sales91010%90%70%general admin / customer service
    Insurance and pure protectionper 1000 policies in forceper 1000 policies sold00000N/A
    Decumulation and pensionsper 1000 policies in forceper 1000 policies sold110%100%0%Delays
    Investments5.60 per 1000 client accountsper 1000 sales or equivalent transactions27248%92%50%general admin / customer service
    Credit-related(Recommended only) per 1000 accounts / loans(Recommended only) per 1000 salesN/AN/AN/AN/A100%N/A


    Note 1: When providing the appropriate information on the context of complaints, a firm should choose the metric which best reflects whether the majority of business undertaken by the firm involves the provision of products or services by the firm itself or intermediation. In cases where this is not possible, a firm may provide information on context for both intermediation and provision.

    Note 2: For provision, information on context should relate the number of complaints opened within the reporting period to the total volume of a firm’s relevant business at the end date of the reporting period. This is likely to include accounts opened, loans provided, policies sold and funds and investments provided before the commencement of the relevant reporting period.

    Note 3: For intermediation, information on context published by a firm should relate the number of complaints opened within the reporting period to the number of sales within the relevant reporting period only.

    Note 4: It is recommended that firms publish appropriate information on context in respect of credit-related complaints. However, publication of this data is not mandatory.

    Note 5: When a firm publishes the ‘main cause of complaints opened’, this should be the cause category prompting the largest number of complaints for the relevant product/service grouping in Table 4 of Part A-2, DISP 1 Annex 1.

  • 1 October 2023 - 31 March 2024

    Firm name: Investec Bank plc

    Period covered in this report: 1 October 2023 to 31 March 2024

    Brands/trading names covered: Investec Bank PLC, Investec Private Bank, Investec Structured Products, and Investec Special Bank


    Product / service groupingNumber of complaints opened by volume of businessNumber of complaints opened
    Number of complaints closed% closed within 3 days% closed after 3 days but before 8 weeks% upheldMain cause of complaints opened
    Provision (at reporting period end date)Intermediation (within the reporting period)
    Banking and credit cards1.97 per 1000 accountsN/A46744532%78%61%general admin / customer service
    Home finance4.15 per 1000 balances outstandingper 1000 sales1190%100%33%general admin / customer service
    Insurance and pure protectionper 1000 policies in forceper 1000 policies sold00000N/A
    Decumulation and pensionsper 1000 policies in forceper 1000 policies sold000%0%0%N/A
    Investments5.72 per 1000 client accountsper 1000 sales or equivalent transactions28284%93%29%general admin / customer service
    Credit-related(Recommended only) per 1000 accounts / loans(Recommended only) per 1000 salesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A


    Note 1: When providing the appropriate information on the context of complaints, a firm should choose the metric which best reflects whether the majority of business undertaken by the firm involves the provision of products or services by the firm itself or intermediation. In cases where this is not possible, a firm may provide information on context for both intermediation and provision.

    Note 2: For provision, information on context should relate the number of complaints opened within the reporting period to the total volume of a firm’s relevant business at the end date of the reporting period. This is likely to include accounts opened, loans provided, policies sold and funds and investments provided before the commencement of the relevant reporting period.

    Note 3: For intermediation, information on context published by a firm should relate the number of complaints opened within the reporting period to the number of sales within the relevant reporting period only.

    Note 4: It is recommended that firms publish appropriate information on context in respect of credit-related complaints. However, publication of this data is not mandatory.

    Note 5: When a firm publishes the ‘main cause of complaints opened’, this should be the cause category prompting the largest number of complaints for the relevant product/service grouping in Table 4 of Part A-2, DISP 1 Annex 1.