Foreign currency deposits for global citizens
In a world in which businesses and individuals are becoming global citizens, they require products and services that match their global requirements. Whether it’s to manage offshore obligations or to diversify local currency risk, a deposit denominated in a foreign, hard currency can help your clients to manage their offshore affairs.
The Investec CCM USD Call Deposit and CCM USD 32 Day Notice Deposit accounts are US dollar-denominated deposits designed to service this very need. Your clients will have capital-protected access to hard currency at a competitive rate.
The Investec CCM USD Call Deposit is a USD denominated savings account with an interest rate that is market-related and determined at Investec's discretion
- Immediate access to funds
- Deposits > USD10,000 earn a competitive interest rate
The Investec CCM USD 32 Day Notice Deposit is a US dollar denominated savings account with an interest rate that is market-related with an enhanced return commensurate with the term structure of the notice period.
- Access to a linked USD interest-bearing call account, providing liquidity
- Earn a competitive interest rate from the first US dollar invested
- Benefit from enhanced interest rate return aligned with term deposit structure
Contact us to find out more
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