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Life Cover

Let your legacy be their future

Father and son putting shaving foam on face


Ensure a legacy for your loved ones that keeps them financially secure.

Our life insurance solutions provide an efficient Life Cover benefit tailored precisely to your needs. Because we see you as an individual, we design and price your Life Cover based on your life stage and the needs of your loved ones.

A lump sum payout means your loved ones can maintain their lifestyle and stay in a good school while their assets are protected from urgent liquidation should there be outstanding debts, liabilities and estate duty costs. All these financial obligations can destroy wealth if there is no planning in place. Life Cover from Investec Life helps to mitigate this, paying out up to R100,000 within two business days while we assess your claim.

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What is life cover?

Life cover pays your beneficiaries a set amount of money in the unfortunate event of your death to ensure they are looked after when you are no longer around.

How does Life Cover work?

For a set premium each month, Investec Life will ensure your beneficiaries receive a lump sum payment on your death to help them maintain their standard of living. Remember: premiums are age-rated and not guaranteed, which means on your policy anniversary each year your premium is likely to increase for the same level of cover.

How much life cover do I need?

Although there are many people who are underinsured in South Africa, many are also over-insured too, paying for more cover than they need. A financial adviser is there to align the cover you need to your lifestyle and responsibilities, to ensure you only pay for what you need.

Download brochure

Download our Life Cover brochure

Because we see you as an individual, beyond the data, we are able to tailor your cover according to your individual needs.

The Investec Life difference
Efficient cover

We ensure you are insured appropriately, without paying more than you need.

Flexible benefits

For large payouts, your beneficiary can choose a once-off lump sum or have the benefit paid out in instalments over time.

Early payment

We pay the main beneficiary up to R100,000 within two business days while we assess your claim.

Get a quote or apply online through Investec Online or the App

  1. Login and click on the “Insure” tab
  2. Click on the “Learn more”
  3. Click on “Get a quote now”
Dad walking his young daughter into a room

Investec Life Funeral Cover

When someone in your family dies, the last thing you want to worry about is the cost of the funeral. Investec Life’s Funeral Cover provides the funds for a dignified funeral - either your own, your direct family or your extended family, with up to ten individuals on one policy. There is no waiting period on accidental death, and a six month waiting period on non-accidental death for family members.