Client Stories
Sale of Medizinische Laboratorien Düsseldorf to Sonic Healthcare Limited
About the deal
Medizinische Laboratorien Düsseldorf (MLD), founded in 1968, is a full-service medical laboratory located in Düsseldorf, Germany. MLD is expected to generate revenues of approx. €50 million in FY2024 and employs around 300 staff including 13 pathologists. It operates a highly efficient hub-and-spoke infrastructure around its 24/7 Duesseldorf central laboratory, as well as several branch and hospital sites across the Duesseldorf metropolitan region.
Sonic Healthcare Limited (Sonic) has signed binding agreements to acquire 100% of the shares in MLD – Medizinische Laboratorien Düsseldorf GbR and GMD – Gesellschaft für medizinische Dienstleistungen mbH. The transaction is subject to customary closing conditions, including medical regulatory approvals, and is expected to occur before the end of the 2023 calendar year.
The laboratory was founded in 1968 and is today led by three pathologist partners and their team. All partners and the senior team at MLD will remain with Sonic following the transaction and will work together closely with Sonic’s federation of laboratories in Germany. MLD’s laboratories cover all relevant specialist disciplines across laboratory medicine, with a particularly strong focus on service provision to hospitals.
Medizinische Laboratorien Düsseldorf GbR is a full-service medical laboratory located in Düsseldorf, Germany. As a long-standing regional laboratory, MLD offers all important laboratory services from a single source and supplies doctors’ surgeries, hospitals, health authorities, and companies from various sectors
What we did
Investec advised the shareholders on the sale of the company, including: Mapping out the process strategy, preparation of the marketing documents, preparation and validation of business plan and financial model, approach and education of domestic and international potential buyers, preparation and coordination of due diligence process including data room and Q&A, advice on transaction structure and negotiation of the commercial deal parameters of the Share Purchase Agreement (SPA).