
Finding the perfect debt products and investors to finance your business

The number of debt/capital products available in the mid-market has increased substantially in the last 10 years, beyond bank debt – for example, alternative debt and mezzanine and/or subordinated debt. Capital can also be sourced abroad more easily. Banks are looking to exploit opportunities outside their home markets. Our direct access and longstanding relationships with the relevant players in the debt /funding market – banks, debt funds, mezzanine funds, and other (international) debt and capital providers – offer many opportunities for financing and growing your business.

Our team has a proven track record of successfully raising debt/capital, and our expertise includes:

  • Raising debt capital to support business growth and (international) rollout
  • Securing debt capital to support MBO/MBI projects
  • Project financing: realizing essential investments or working capital
  • Supporting your business in reorganizing/reducing the debt burden

Client stories


Investec was once again the right partner for us, delivering outstanding work in terms of creativity, speed and determination. Even in times of extreme interest rate movements, we could rely on their competence and focus on results. We would like to thank the Investec team for another smooth collaboration.

Michael Bussmann CEO BENO Holding AG

This transaction, combining a strategic acquisition and the investment of a new minority financial partner, wouldn’t have been possible without the skills and the determination of Investec. We have relied on their support for many years, and the trust established between us is invaluable.

Raphaël Gorgé – CEO, Groupe Gorgé

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