4 Aug 2017
The Dutch Fabulous 40 Staffing 2017 – Fourth edition
The Investec Fabulous 40 Staffing 2017 shows the 40 fastest growing staffing companies in the Netherlands. We compiled this new and annually recurring ranking in cooperation with leading staffing magazine FlexNieuws.
In the previous edition, the rise of Private Equity and investment funds was visible in the sector. Currently, there is significant consolidation going on in the market. The number of acquisitions in the top 40 thus doubled in the period measured here. Next to the list with the fastest growers in 2015-2013, the current edition offers comparative charts with the growth of publicly traded staffing intermediaries and information about current developments in the market
A hardcopy of our Fabulous 40 Staffing – fourth edition (2017), can be requested here.