
YoungCapital – An interview with one of Investec’s Fabulous 20 Staffing companies

Investec Fabulous 20 Staffing

Investec Corporate Finance Advisory regularly publishes the Fabulous 20, a list of the fastest growing privately owned staffing companies in the Netherlands. The historic growth of YoungCapital has been impressive, especially when comparing to the listed companies in this industry.

YoungCapital’s position in the Investec Fabulous 20 Staffing, based on a revenue CAGR calculated over the three preceding years:

– in 2018 on position 5 with a CAGR of 43,1%
– In 2017 on position 18 with a CAGR of 21,9%
– In 2016 on position 22 with a CAGR of 14,2%

An interview with YoungCapital: a new initiative YoungCapital NEXT

Ineke Kooistra, CEO YoungCapital and Maurice Peeters, Director YoungCapital NEXT “We still are a specialist in young talent staffing and will be investing more in education.”

YoungCapital, as one of the leading staffing companies in the Netherlands for young professionals, is focusing on and investing more and more in the continuous education of their young professionals through their new label YoungCapital NEXT. This education is mainly focused around in-depth knowledge of their respective fields, combined with personal development skills. The benefit to students / young professionals is that they start their first job without any debt, which for “Generation Z” is an attractive proposition. For companies it means that education of these young professionals is better aligned with their specific needs.

YoungCapital NEXT provides already graduated students the opportunity to engage in so-called traineeships, consisting of an 8-week bootcamp, followed by a suitable secondment position for a period of 1,5 years.

An additional benefit is that YoungCapital NEXT provides students and young professionals education programs in cooperation with NOVI-college. Two educational IT-related programs are already provided and currently other programs are being developed. This allows young professionals to combine the gaining of work experience with continued education.

YoungCapital’s goal is to grow to € 1 bln in revenues

Besides investment in education, YoungCapital also focusses heavily on jobboards. This was the core rationale behind their recent acquisition of Jobbird. This business contributes to the profitability of the company and provides them with a good basis to expand within Europe. YoungCapital’s goal is to grow to € 1 bln revenues in a few years with their labels, YoungCapital, YoungCapital NEXT and Jobboards.

For the full article (in Dutch), please click here

Interview: Hinke Wever, FlexNieuws in cooperation with Bart Jonkman, Marleen Vermeer and Maurits Odekerken, Investec Corporate Finance Advisory

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