
About the deal

Investec acts as financial adviser and transaction sponsor to Santam Limited in relation to the disposal of its 10% interest in SAN JV RF (Pty) Limited to Allianz SE for c.R2bn

From inception until entering into signed agreements, Investec acted as trusted adviser to Santam, assisting it in assessing various strategic alternatives, navigating the regulatory environment and considering key commercial aspects to the transaction.

Santam’s 10% interest in SAN JV RF (Pty) Ltd, which houses the majority of Santam’s Africa interests (outside South Africa and Namibia) is its single largest investment and Investec is proud to have been able to assist the company in reaching a successful outcome. 

About Santam Limited

Santam is a South African general insurance group with an international presence. It offers policies against eventualities such as property damage, motor accidents, loss of income, crop losses and catastrophe loss. Santam has a market capitalisation of c.R32bn and paid R24.5bn of gross claims in its 2021 financial year.

Santam is a subsidiary of the South African financial services group Sanlam Limited, which holds 62.1% of Santam’s shares.

Deal Type
Target Headquarter
May 2022

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