We have a responsibility to preserve and grow the wealth that is entrusted to us over the long term. We integrate environmental, social and governance considerations into our investment processes as well as actively engaging with the businesses that we invest in on behalf of you, our clients.
How we invest
Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG)
Our Environmental, Social and Governance policy outlines how we integrate ESG considerations into our investment process for direct equities and collectives.
How we engage
The purpose of the Stewardship Code is to enhance the quality of engagement between institutional investors and companies to help improve long-term returns to shareholders and the efficient exercise of governance responsibilities. We are pleased to remain signatories to the Stewardship Code.
Our engagement policy enables us to meet our requirements under the Shareholders Rights Directive II (SRD II). Integrations of shareholder engagement within Investec Wealth & Investment (UK)'s investment strategy is important to us and we regularly engage directly with company boards outside of the traditional AGM cycle on a wide range of matters.
Previous disclosures are available on request.
Climate-related reporting
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
The Financial Stability Board (FSB) created the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) in 2015 to improve and increase reporting of climate-related financial information. The TCFD developed a framework, published in 2017, which primarily aims to ensure that financial risks and opportunities related to climate change become a natural part of companies’ risk management and strategic planning processes.
Our entity-level reporting is available to download below.
The disclosures required under TCFD will help investors and others understand how reporting organisations think about, and assess, climate-related risks and opportunities, ultimately leading to a more efficient allocation of capital to support the climate transition.
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Investec Wealth & Investment (UK) is a trading name of Investec Wealth & Investment Limited which is a subsidiary of Rathbones Group Plc. Investec Wealth & Investment Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and is registered in England. Registered No. 2122340. Registered Office: 30 Gresham Street. London. EC2V 7QN.