You may have reached a point where you’d like to generate regular payments from your assets that enable you to live comfortably or allow you to afford the nicer things in life. This is especially important for those looking to retire, fund care costs, pay for education or simply top up your main earnings.
We can help you achieve this with a tailored and diversified investment strategy. It’s unlikely that your dividend and interest payments alone will give you all the cash flow you need, so our focus is on achieving the right level of income at a degree of risk that you are comfortable with.
You may also wish to make allowances for the effects of inflation with a strategy that aims to preserve the value of income from your portfolio in real terms. Our Investment Managers can discuss the various options with you and structure your portfolio to meet your personal requirements.
Clients who used UK Investment Managers achieved investment returns 27% higher than DIY investors during the course of 2018.
* Legg Mason, 2019

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We can help
Find out how we can help you invest for a comfortable income.

Our Investment Manager has always been questioning and positive on our behalf, fulfilling our aim of providing a good income from our investments whilst steadily maintaining reasonable growth of our capital.
Your next steps
Preserving your wealth
With the confidence that comes from having your money invested strategically to preserve your wealth, you and your family can focus on achieving your life goals and dreams.
Want to learn more?
We can help you on the next exciting stage of your financial journey.
Our Investment Managers are ready to help you
We’re now part of Rathbones. Find out more about how we’re integrating our businesses and how you can become a client here.
Investec Wealth & Investment (UK) is a trading name of Investec Wealth & Investment Limited which is a subsidiary of Rathbones Group Plc. Investec Wealth & Investment Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and is registered in England. Registered No. 2122340. Registered Office: 30 Gresham Street. London. EC2V 7QN.