Economic update
Covid-19’s impact on the local and global business landscape
The global outlook is one of unsynchronised economic recovery, says Investec Chief Economist (SA) Annabel Bishop. She predicts patchy outcomes between economies as some economies recover faster than others and highlights what businesses will need to prepare for.
Covid-19 – five things for business owners to keep in mind
Businesses that can shift focus, adapt and realign to the current Coronavirus environment will be better able to capitalise on the opportunities that will emerge after the crisis has subsided, says Dhiren Mansingh, Head of Treasury Sales and Structuring at Investec SA.
Reassessing SA’s property sector
National Head of Structured Property Finance at Investec SA, Charl Wiid believes each sector in the property market has experienced the impact of Covid-19 in a different way – and that many may still feel the consequences in time due to a fundamental shift in the landscape.
Abeco and Investec – banking on the future of water
Mannie Ramos Snr, founder and chairman of Abeco Tanks, believed early on that countries, communities and businesses would need to store water for future needs, in the same way one deposits money in a bank to save for tomorrow – and the idea of a water bank was born.
Investec Life – customising income protection for entrepreneurs
Income protection is arguably the most important living benefit within a life insurance portfolio. Investec Life has launched Income Protection TopUp Cover to close the gap in cover value, and Business Overheads Cover to protect self-employed entrepreneurs.
Alain de Botton – the changing role of meaning and meritocracy at work
World-renowned philosopher Alain de Botton joins Investec Global Head of People and Organisation, Dr Marc Kahn to discuss the role of business in a post-Coronavirus world, the importance of emotional and professional development in the workplace and the power of storytelling in an organisation.
Edition 4, 2019
The surprising power of ideas that don’t make sense
Rory Sutherland, author and TED speaker, explains the virtue of irrational ideas and how we can deepen our understanding of the human experience in a commercial world.