
3rd European Symposium of the Sports Economy

Alexandre Ebin, Partner at Investec, opened the 3rd European Symposium of the Sports Economy in Paris on November 20, 2019.

Like for all sectors, the sports economy has become global : from major sporting events to sponsoring, from online betting to players transfers… This globalization accelerates the convergence of European and North American models of professional sports organizations.

In this context, actors and observers of the sports economy, including the French Minister of Sports Roxana Maracineanu, met in Paris for the 3rd edition of the symposium. The major stakes of the market have been addressed during several round tables and interventions.

 This symposium also served as a framework for the restitution of a study by the Sports Economy Observatory dedicated to the European model of sports and conducted by the CDES of Limoges.

For more information and to download the presentations of the speakers of the event please visit the web site of the French Ministry of Sports.

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