
About the deal

Ecobat has sold its operations in Southern Africa, which are collectively known as the Zimco Group to Trinitas Private Equity (“Trinitas”) and AutoX. AutoX is a leading Southern African automotive lead-acid battery manufacturer and distributor, majority owned by Trinitas. Trinitas is a South African generalist mid-market private equity investor with a Southern African focus. The transaction forms part of Ecobat’s strategy to dispose of its international non-core operations.

About Ecobat and Zimco Group

The Zimco Group comprises seven businesses units operated in 3 Southern African countries by Ecobat. Zimco Group is organised into two divisions, the Lead Division, comprised of Fry’s Metals and Castle Lead Works, and the Industrial Division, comprised of Associated Additives, Zimco Metals, G&W Mineral Resources, Dutton Plastics and Sondor Performance Foams.

Target Headquarter
August 2023

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