Managing Your Finances

Managing your Borrowings
Investec is fully aware that some of our customers may experience financial difficulties, which can be very stressful. If you feel that this is applicable to you it is crucial that you do not ignore the signs of financial difficulties and you should contact us as soon as possible. In our experience financial difficulties tend to only get worse if they are ignored and this may affect your credit rating, which could limit your ability to borrow money in the future.
Warning signs that may indicate financial difficulties
The below are examples of warning signs that can appear when you begin to experience financial difficulties.
• Cheques, standing orders or direct debits are being returned by your bank due to insufficient funds in your account.
• You are receiving correspondence from creditors regarding overdue accounts.
• You are using credit cards as a source of finance rather than for convenience purposes.
• You are having difficulty paying your monthly bills regularly and on time.
• Your income has dropped due to loss of or reduction in employment.
Mortgage Arrears Resolution Process (MARP)
We recognise that a customer’s financial circumstances can on occasion take a change for the worse. If you have fallen into arrears on your mortgage payments, or if you are concerned about falling into arrears in the future, we encourage you to contact us and maintain communications with our Arrears Support Unit on 01 421 0000 or email