Investec FATCA IGA statement

US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) or relevant Inter-Governmental Agreements (IGA) require non-US Financial Institutions to enhance procedures to identify and report on certain US citizens and residents.
Investec is aware of its status and obligations under the relevant IGAs and under FATCA. We are taking appropriate steps to review and register entities with the IRS as required, update client onboarding procedures and enhance reporting capabilities. Once the registration of affected entities is complete, we will gladly make relevant GIINs available on request.
In accordance with the IGA signed by South Africa, we are guided by the South African IGA in terms of which the following entities have registered as Reporting Financial Institutions - the relevant registration details will be made available upon request: Investec Bank Limited; Investec Wealth International Investment Pty Ltd; Investec Life Limited; Investec Markets Limited; and Investec Investment Platform (Pty) Ltd.
Updated January 2023