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Equity research and sales tailored to your needs

Image of a zebra
Image of a zebra

Deal with a team that covers over 370 stocks. is a corporate broker for 107 public limited companies and has raised over €6bn in equity finance over the past 3 years.

Access our award-winning research and talk to our sales specialists about opportunities and review detailed models with our expert analysts.

  • Tailored service

    Connect to our research, sales, and our trading platform electronically, by phone or in-person depending on your own needs, requirements and process.

  • Sector expertise you require
    With specialist coverage of over 370 companies in the UK, Ireland and the rest of Europe, our Investec research and sales professionals are available to share our unique insights with you.
Ian Huggard - Head of Equity Sales
Ian Huggard, Head of Equity Sales

Investec has a large team of analysts available to work with you. As a corporate broker for 107 public limited companies, Investec has the expert sales team ready to understand your requirements and provide liquidity for your needs. Let us know how we can help you..

It all starts with a conversation.

Ian Huggard

Ian Huggard

Head of Irish Equity Sales

To discover how you can benefit from our expertise in equity sales, give me a call or complete our contact form.

Up-to-date research

Discover our research service covering more than 300 stocks in the UK, Ireland and the rest of Europe. We know that in order to make successful investment decisions you need timely company-specific research. We combine this with macro and sector research to give you valuable insights.