Investec Mobile Application Use Terms

The Mobile Application Terms of Use (“Mobile Terms”) is a contract between you and Investec Bank Limited (“Investec”) which governs your use of the Service and Related Services using the Mobile Application.
These Mobile Terms include a licence which Investec grants to you to use the Mobile Application. You may not use the Mobile Application unless you agree to abide by these Mobile Terms so it is very important that you read these Mobile Terms and any other documents referred to in these Mobile Terms very carefully.
For all clients, if you do not agree with any provision contained in these Mobile Terms, please do not use the Mobile Application in any way.
If you are a client of Investec Bank plc only: The licence terms that appear under the heading “Mobile Application Licence” will apply to your use of the mobile application. The remaining Mobile Terms do not apply to you and your accounts held with Investec Bank plc in the United Kingdom. Please refer instead to your Relationship Agreement and the additional conditions for your account(s).
If you are a client of Investec Bank (Mauritius) Limited only: The licence terms that appear under the heading “Mobile Application Licence” will apply to your use of the mobile application. The Terms and Conditions under which Investec Bank (Mauritius) Limited operates the Online Banking Service (in accordance with the Banking Act 2004) shall continue to govern your use of this service, save that, where the Online Banking Service terms are silent, these Mobile Terms shall govern.
If you are a client of Investec Bank (Channel Islands) Limited only: The licence terms that appear under the heading “Mobile Application Licence” will apply to your use of the mobile application. The terms on which Investec Bank (Channel Islands) Limited provides banking and online banking services to its Clients are set out in the documents titled "General Terms and Conditions" and "Online Banking Terms and Conditions", each of which may impact your use of this Mobile Application. In the event of dispute, and where these Mobile Terms are silent, the Online Banking Terms shall take precedence.