You both need to give us a signed instruction.
If you have a personal joint account, the other account holder must agree to be removed.
We ask each account holder to sign an instruction in writing so we have this formally confirmed. This can be in the form of a letter.
If we receive any instructions from the person to be removed before you tell us they are to be removed, we are obliged to carry them out.
The following information is essential. Please include it in your letter so we can begin the process of removing the account holder.
- Account number
- Sort code
- Name of the account holder to be removed
- The date you want the account holder to be removed
The following information is not essential, but is useful. Please include it if you have it, to help us remove the account holder without delay.
- Details of any debt or lending on the account, such as overdrafts
- Details of any Direct Debits and standing orders
Send your letter to our head office, at:
30 Gresham Street, London, EC2V 7QN, United Kingdom