When we began helping with the vital work that food banks do, we said that if we needed to prolong our initial 12 week support plan, we would. And now, as the UK slowly starts to return to some sort of normality, we won’t forget about those who can’t afford to buy the basics.
We are pleased to confirm that we have extended our support of these food banks for a further 12 weeks.
In Bristol, deliveries will continue until mid-October. This ensures that the Bristol food bank remains fully stocked throughout the school holidays and past the point when many other donations may have ended.
This is particularly important for Bristol food bank who, in April, saw a 258% rise in usage compared to the same period last year. Bristol has also been able to benefit from surplus items which have been redirected from Bournemouth food bank.
Throughout this time we’ve been so grateful to all of our colleagues who have given their time to help ensure the deliveries are made. We’d especially like to thank Dan Haustead who’s been the relationship manager for Bristol.
The desire to make a meaningful contribution to the world we live in is at the heart of Investec’s values, and underpins our aim to be a responsible corporate citizen.
Hear from Matt, Bristol food bank
* correct as at 4 August 2020
Wanting to donate?
You can help us by donating to the food banks by visiting the food bank website.
Get in touch with the team in Bristol
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