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The information posted on LinkedIn has been prepared by Investec Limited or one of its subsidiaries, and is for informative purposes and is not intended to constitute advice in any form, including but not limited to investment, accounting, tax, legal or regulatory advice. The information therefore has no regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any specific recipient. Opinions expressed are our current opinions as of the date appearing on LinkedIn only. All illustrations, forecasts or hypothetical data are for illustrative purposes only. The Investec Group of Companies does not make representation that the information provided is appropriate for use in all jurisdictions or by all Investors or other potential Investors. Parties are therefore responsible for compliance with applicable local laws and regulations. None of the Investec Group of Companies will be held liable for any loss or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the use of any information on this site.
Investec Limited and its subsidiaries includes but is not limited to the following entities and divisions:
Investec Bank Limited registration number 1969/004763/06, an Authorised Financial Services Provider (11750), a Registered Credit Provider (NCRCP 9), an authorised Over the Counter Derivatives Provider, and a member of the JSE. Investec is committed to the Code of Banking Practice as regulated by the Ombudsman for Banking Services. Copies of the Code and the Ombudsman's details are available on request or visit Investec COBP.
Investec Private Banking, a division of Investec Bank Limited registration number 1969/004763/06. Investec Private Banking is committed to the Code of Banking Practice as regulated by the Ombudsman for Banking Services. Copies of the Code and the Ombudsman's details are available on request or visit A registered credit provider registration number NCRCP9.
Investec Wealth & Investment International (Pty) Ltd. registration number 1972/008905/07. A member of the JSE Equity, Equity Derivatives, Currency Derivatives, Bond Derivatives and Interest Rate Derivatives Markets. An authorised financial services provider No.15886. A registered credit provider registration number NCRCP262. The disclaimer is deemed to form part of this message in terms of Section 11 of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002.
Investec Life Limited, a member of the Investec Group is a registered Long-term Insurance Company (Reg.No. 1944/017130/06) and an authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP number 47702).
Terms and conditions apply.
Investec For Business, a division of Investec Bank Limited. (Reg. No. 1969/004763/06) Investec Bank Limited is an authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP 11750) and a registered credit provider (NCRCP9). A member of the Investec Group. Import Solutions is a business unit of Investec for Business.
Investec Corporate and Institutional Banking (referred herein as “Investec”) is a division of Investec Bank Limited registration number 1969/004763/06, an Authorised Financial Services Provider (11750), a Registered Credit Provider (NCRCP 9), an authorised Over the Counter Derivatives Provider, and a member of the JSE. Investec is committed to the Code of Banking Practice as regulated by the National Financial Ombud Scheme. Copies of the Code and the Ombudsman's details are available on request or visit Investec COBP.