Investec SWIFT Codes
SWIFT Code (South Africa):
SWIFT Code (Investec UK):
These details must only be used when sending South African rand by SWIFT/telegraphic transfer. If you send a different currency to the above details, we will not be liable for any consequential loss should the funds be exchanged into South African rand either by ourselves or the correspondent bank. Charges may be deducted from proceeds by our correspondent banks. If you have a South African rand cheque/bank draft to deposit, please do not send it to the above details. Please contact us for further details.
Please ensure that the remitting bank sends an MT103 to the Bank as we will not be able to apply funds without an authenticated SWIFT message. For all transfers please ensure that the valid account name, account number and/or IBAN are quoted and the remitter’s full name, address and account number appears on the transfer. The Bank may not be able to apply funds that arrive without full details.