• 1. Business Account Opening Form

    The Business has recently submitted, or will submit, a Business Account Opening Form with Investec Bank plc (Irish Branch). All capitalised terms herein bear the same meaning as those in the Business Account Opening Form, unless otherwise defined. By ticking the appropriate boxes on the Business Account Opening Form, the Business has indicated that it wishes to give certain individuals online access to the Account, as outlined herein.

  • 2. Super User 

    The Business must appoint at least one Super User. The Super User has all the capabilities of the Authorised User, but with the additional functionality that the Super User can set up new Standard Users o the www.investeconline.ie system. The first time the Super User logs on to www.investeconline.ie, they will be required to read and accept the online Terms & Conditions. 

  • 3. Authorised User 

    Authorised Users will be able to view Business account information, print off transaction statements, interest certificates and balance certificates. The first time the Authorised User logs on to www.investeconline.ie, they will be required to read and accept the online Terms & Conditions. 

  • 4. Standard User

    Standard Users can be set up by the Business’ designated Super Users. Standard Users will be able to view and print statements and view and export open FX deals. The first time the Standard User logs on to www.investeconline.ie, they will be required to read and accept the online Terms & Conditions.

  • 5. Certification

    By acknowledging and certifying that the Business has read and understood Investec’s Online Usage Policy in the Business Account Opening Form, the Business has certified the following:

    a.that Investec is authorised to grant the Super Users, Authorised Users and Standard Users access to Business account information and functionality available on www.investeconline.ie.

    b. that the Business understands and accepts that all correspondence, including annual statements, confirmations, certificates of interest and transaction statements will be available on www.investeconline.ie and from the date on/at which online access is granted, the Business shall no longer receive any paper/postal correspondence from Investec, in relation to the operating of the Business accounts.

    c. that Investec offers the facility to confirm foreign exchange deals online . In this case, it would be possible for any one Super User or any one Authorised User to confirm foreign exchange deals on behalf of the Business through www.investeconline.ie.


    d. that it is the responsibility of the Business to notify Investec immediately in accordance with the Mandate to disable access of any active user on www.investeconline.ie.

    e. that this Online Usage Policy is supplementary and ancillary to the Business Account Opening Form which was signed or will be signed by the Business. 

    f. that the risks associated with the use of www.investeconline.ie are solely with the Business. 

    g. that the Business must notify Investec immediately, upon becoming aware of same, in the eventof a loss or theft of any user access details or passwords and / or any unauthorised activity on the Account.

    h. That it is the responsibility of the Business and each active user authorised user to ensure safe custody of passwords and / or user names associated with www.investeconline.ie, and that Investec is justified in accepting and allowing any Super User, Authorised User or Standard User access to all functionality within www.investeconline.ie.

    i. that any online access may only be used in accordance with the Business Account Opening Form, the General Terms and Conditions and the Terms of Business, and that Investec may, at its discretion, refuse or disable access at any time, without cause.

    j. that in the event of an online fault, technical problem or security risk in connection with www.investeconline.ie, Investec may discontinue access to www.investeconline.ie in order to address such an issue, without any liability to the Business. 

    k. that Investec has reasonable IT security measures in place, but cannot guarantee the privacy or security of any information that concerns the Business and passes over the internet. 

    l. that the Business accepts the following Investec disclaimer: 
to the fullest extent permitted by law, Investec does not accept any liability or responsibility for any loss or damage (including, without limitation, any loss of profit, expense or damages, consequential or otherwise), howsoever arising, in connection with the following:

    (a) use of www.investeconline.ie whether with or without authorisation by the Business;
(b) communicating via www.investeconline.ie;

    (c) the functionality of www.investeconline.ie; and

    (d) any fraudulent or unauthorised actions relating to the Account or www.investeconline.ie.

Summary of User Roles and functionality

Functionality Corporate Standard User Corporate Authorised User Corporate Super User
View Account Information x x x
Print off Transactions Statements etc. x x x
Confirm Foreign Exchange Deals x x
Set up Standard Corporate Users x
Functionality Corporate Standard User Corporate Authorised User Corporate Super User
View Account Information x x x
Print off Transactions Statements etc. x x x
Confirm Foreign Exchange Deals x x
Set up Standard Corporate Users x