E-mail disclaimer

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    This email and any attachments (together “this e mail”) are for general information only and have not been independently verified. It should not be construed as an offer, or a solicitation of an offer, to buy or sell any securities or other financial instruments.
    While the information in this e mail has been prepared in good faith, no representation or warranty, express or implied, is or will be made and no responsibility or liability is or will be accepted by Investec Bank (Mauritius) Limited* or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates (“Investec”) or by any of their respective officers, employees or agents in relation to the accuracy, suitability or completeness of this email and any attachments thereto and any such liability is expressly disclaimed. Investec gives no undertaking to provide the recipient with access to any additional information or to update this e mail or any additional information, or to correct any inaccuracies in it which may become apparent.
    This e mail does not have regard to the specific investment objectives, financial circumstances or particular needs of any recipient and it should not be regarded as a substitute for the exercise of the recipient’s own judgment. Recipients of this e mail should seek their own professional financial advice regarding the appropriateness or otherwise of investing in any securities or investment strategies discussed or recommended in this e mail and must understand that past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance and the value of any investments in the market may fall as well as rise.
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    *The registered office of Investec Bank (Mauritius) Limited is Office 2, Ground Floor, Block 3, The Strand, Beau Plan, 21001, Mauritius. Investec Bank (Mauritius) Limited Business Reg. No. C09008752 Company Reg. No. 8752/3362. A wholly owned subsidiary of Investec Bank Limited. A holder of a banking licence and regulated by the Bank of Mauritius.