Wealth & Investment Online Terms and Conditions

This Agreement governs the rights and obligations of the Investor and Investec Securities Proprietary Limited ("Investec") in respect of Online Trading. Please refer to clause 24 for the definitions of terms used in these Online Trading Terms and Conditions.
Terms not defined herein are defined in the Standard Terms of Business
Investec Securities Proprietary Limited name and legal status
Investec Securities Proprietary Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of a public company (Reg No. 1972/008905/07).
Investec Securities Proprietary Limited addresses and telephone number
South Africa 0861 003 020
International +27 11 286 4500
South Africa +27 11 286 9923
International +27 11 286 9923
Physical Address
100 Grayston Drive, Sandown, Sandton, 2146, South Africa
JSE Limited Contact Details
Investec Securities Proprietary Limited is a member of the JSE Limited. Contact details of the JSE Limited:
+27 11 520 7000
Physical Address
One Exchange Square, Gwen Lane, Sandown, 2196
Postal Address
Private Bag X991174, Sandton, 2146, Republic of South Africa
Code of Conduct
Investec Securities Proprietary Limited as part of the Investec Group, is responsible to conduct business in a way that safeguards the interests of all stakeholders. "Stakeholders" include, inter alia, shareholders, directors, managers, employees, clients, counter-parties, regulators, government, rating agencies and suppliers.
Investec Securities Proprietary Limited is operating under the Code of Conduct of the Securities Services Act, 36 of 2004 and the JSE Conduct of Business Rules. Please contact us should you require copies of the afore-mentioned.
Money Laundering Legislation
Investec Securities Proprietary Limited is required by law (The Financial Intelligence Centre Act no 38 of 2001) to identify all clients and to verify such identification via documentary evidence as specified by the Regulations to the Act and our own internal policies.
We are not permitted to perform any transaction on your account if it is not compliant with the requirements of the legislation.
The ISL registration number and the names of the office bearers, and its place of Registration
Investec Securities Proprietary Limited Reg. No 1972/008905/07
A member of the Investec Group. Member of JSE Limited.
SA Administration address:
PO Box 78055, Sandton, 2146
Tel: +27 11 286 4500
Fax: +27 11 286 9595
HE Blumenthal , J du T Hay, M Currie, Sam Abrahams (non executive) Bradley Tapnack (non executive)
The address where Investec Securities Proprietary Limited can receive legal service of documents:
Investec Secretarial Services
2nd Floor 100 Grayston Drive
South Africa
Contact Details:
011 286 7000
Refer to the FAQs.
Manner of payment
Refer to the fees schedule in the fees schedule and FAQs.
The terms of agreement which are applicable to each transaction
Please refer to Terms and Conditions
The time in which Investec Securities Proprietary Limited services will be rendered
Trades are subject to JSE rules and directive