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How to get extraordinary performance out of ordinary people

Performance expert Dr Marc Kahn, Investec’s global head of organisational development and HR, revealed in a TEDx talk how you can get extraordinary performance out of ordinary people.

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Dr Marc Kahn, Investec’s global head of organisational development and human resources, draws on his extensive experience as a business coach and team performance expert, to explore how companies can get extraordinary performance out of ordinary people.


Kahn shares his insights on how cultural context is critical to individual performance. In this TedEx talk, he explodes the myth that team performance is a function of the talents of individuals and explains how it is rather the environment in which they operate that determines performance.


WATCH VIDEO: Ordinary people - Extraordinary performance


The key to improving that environment, according to Kahn, is the notion of the freedom to perform  the idea of being able to act autonomously and on the basis of one’s own intuition and judgement.


This, says Kahn, is a particularly human question which is decidedly absent from any environment with rigid rules where machines could conceivably perform better than humans.


LISTEN TO PODCAST: Dr Marc Kahn on how to improve employee productivity in a digitally distracted workforce


Marc Kahn is the global head of Human Resources & Organisational Development for Investec. He is a psychologist (HPCSA & PBA), a chartered business coach (WABC), a certified master coach (IMCSA) and a seasoned management consultant. He is also the author of Coaching on the Axis: Working with Complexity in Business and Executive Coaching. 

About the author

Ingrid Booth image

Ingrid Booth

Lead digital content producer

Ingrid Booth is a consumer magazine journalist who made the successful transition to corporate PR and back into digital publishing. As part of Investec's Brand Centre digital content team, her role entails coordinating and producing multi-media content from across the Group for Investec's publishing platform, Focus.

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