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The discussion unpacks how technology has the potential to provide flexible and tailored mental health support to individuals to enable proactive and ongoing management of their mental health.

Technology has opened new doors in mental health support and data collection, broadening access to support and enabling proactive management of mental illness. Katy Katopodis speaks to Behavidence's Dr. Janine Ellenberger, Panda's Allan Sweiden and Hannover Re's Dr. Matthew Procter.

Allan Sweidan
Allan Sweidan, Co-founder of Panda @PandaHealthApp

Traditional methods are not going to get us where we need to go in order to take care of the population, help them to be less stressed, less traumatised and prevent them from waiting until a big event happens – where they have to be hospitalised – at which point it’s significantly more expensive to get them care.

Matthew Proter
Matthew Procter, Medical Doctor, Hannover Re, South Africa

Mental and physical health are deeply interlinked. Sometimes people are predisposed to depression, and they might encounter life events that trigger a depressive episode. This could lead to overeating, weight gain, and potentially illness, like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, long term pain which then obviously becomes a vicious cycle.

Janine Ellenberger
Dr. Janine Ellenberger, Chief Medical Officer​ at Behavidence

Research globally has proved that self-awareness and having these improved self-management tools, leads to improved health outcomes. The earlier the detection, the early the intervention, and all of this increases better mental health outcomes.

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