Severe Illness Cover

Life insurance made for living, just like you.

young boy hugging his father


No one likes to dwell on the “what ifs”, but the reality is that a severe illness could affect you at any age. In a country where one in four South Africans are affected by cancer through a diagnosis of self, family or friends, and with over 400 South Africans suffering from a stroke each day, the need for severe illness cover has never been more pronounced.

Investec Life’s Severe Illness Cover was designed with input from medical specialists within the industry. It helps you cover the financial gaps in your treatment, giving you the financial breathing room to take time off work and recover. We also cover future unknown illnesses to ensure you are protected from illnesses we know nothing about, yet.

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What is severe illness cover?

Severe illness cover protects you and your family against the financial impact of being diagnosed with a severe illness such as cancer, a heart condition or stroke. Treating and managing a severe illness typically costs a lot more than most people expect. It may include the costs of recuperation and funding for a change in lifestyle, both of which are essential for optimal recovery.

Do I need severe illness cover?

Severe illness cover protects you financially against a range of conditions. It helps you cover those costs that may not fall under your medical aid cover, such as some advanced high-cost treatments, travel costs to get to a specialist clinic, rehabilitation and life adjustments; many of which fall outside most medical aid plans.

How much Severe Illness Cover do I need?

The amount of cover you need is based on a number of things including your financial situation and your overall health. Talk to your financial adviser or one of our Investec advisers to understand the amount of cover you need based on your unique situation. Unlike many other insurers, Investec Life’s Severe Illness Cover is a separate benefit from Life Cover, ensuring that any claims do not reduce the amount of cover you have under your Life Cover benefit.

What does this benefit cover?

Investec’s Life Severe Illness Cover offers up to 100% cover on the illnesses within the following categories:

  • Cardiovascular*
  • Cancer*
  • Cerebrovascular and central nervous system*
  • Respiratory
  • Gastroenterology
  • Kidney – Urogenital
  • Visual
  • Ear, nose, throat
  • Endocrine
  • Connective tissue disorder and autoimmune disorder
  • Musculoskeletal
  • Trauma
  • HIV
  • Catch All

* Cover reinstates up to 300% for unrelated conditions within this category.

How long does Severe Illness Cover last?

Severe Illness Cover continues for the duration of the client’s life, so long as premiums are maintained. Remember that premiums are age-rated and not guaranteed.

Download brochure

Download our Severe Illness Cover brochure

Knowing that you and your family are cared for helps you to focus on what’s important – your health.

The Investec Life difference

Early treatment

Includes cover for early-stage cancers where, thanks to advances in medicine, you can be diagnosed much earlier with pre-cancerous cells, allowing for early treatment.

Cover for unknown future illnesses

Covid-19 was a reminder to the world that many illnesses are novel and unexpected. We include automatic cover for future unknown severe illnesses.


We offer multiple payouts in line with the progression of an illness. You can claim up to 100% of your total cover amount for up to three unrelated conditions within three major categories.

Get a quote or apply online through Investec Online or the App

  1. Login and click on the “Insure” tab
  2. Click on the “Learn more”
  3. Click on “Get a quote now”