
About the deal

Since 1923, the cable works of SIPD (Manufacturing Company of Dielectric Products) has manufactured insulated wires, cables and low current electric leads, as well as sheats in PVC, polyurethane, polyethylene, polyester, FEP, ETFE, low-smoke, halogen-free compound and C1. Oil companies, telecommunications companies and major industrials know and appreciate SIPD for the reliability of its manufactured products.

For the past 25 years, Industrifil has been designing, manufacturing and commercializing miniature wire and cable used in diverse applications such as research laboratories, medical electronics, aerospace etc.

What we did

Investec supported SIPD group on the acquisition process : financial analysis, preliminary negotiations, LOI drafting and negotiation, valuation and structuring guidance, execution support up to closing, selection, briefing and management of DD providers, negotiation of the final legal documentation, financing execution, etc.

Deal Type
Target Headquarter
June 2019

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