
Investec advised the shareholders of Ecorus on the sale of Ecorus Home and Eleena to Scheybeeck Participaties.

About the deal

Ecorus Home and Eleena will continue together with Zoncorporatie and Solarminds under one group, supported by Scheybeeck Participaties. Scheybeeck Participaties is a Dutch family office primarily focused on SME and real estate transactions.

Ecorus Home is the division of Ecorus that focuses on residential customers within the social housing corporation market. Ecorus Home, and its maintenance and monitoring subsidiary Eleena, are carved out of the Ecorus group. Ecorus Home focuses on deploying solar panels for housing corporations in the Netherlands. Ecorus Home grew to be a leading player within the niche of housing corporations striving for a more sustainable future.

With the combination of businesses and Scheybeeck as a partner, the companies can further expand and develop their sustainable solutions services for housing corporations. Additionally, housing corporations working with these companies can benefit from economies of scale and the increased professionalism that this new combination brings. For the time being, the companies will continue to operate independently, but behind the scenes they are establishing a new, integrated group.

What we did

Capitalmind advised the shareholders of Ecorus Home and Eleena throughout the sell-side process, with:

  • Drafting information & marketing materials
  • Support during the preparation phase of the carve-out, including drafting a plan and analysing the financial impact
  • Identification and selection of strategic and financial buyers through a competitive process;
  • Managing price negotiations
  • Handling due diligence
  • Coordinating legal documentation
Target Headquarter
June 2024

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