
About the deal

Investec has advised the shareholders of Horizon Telecom on the sale to US based Momentum. Momentum, backed by Court Square Capital Partners, is a leading global managed services provider.

Horizon Telecom is an international independent next-generation telecom-as-a-service provider. Established in 2014, the company operates globally in a carrier-neutral manner, and currently orchestrates the mission-critical digital infrastructure of over 200 clients.

The addition of Horizon enhances Momentum’s modern workplace portfolio of services enabling global businesses to thrive, by providing a robust customer migration process for enterprise voice, Microsoft Teams, SD-WAN and managed network solutions.

What we did

Investec advised the shareholders of Horizon Telecom throughout the sell-side process, with:
– Drafting info & marketing materials;
– Managing price negotiations;
– Handling Due Diligence;
– Coordinating legal documentation phase.

Deal Type
Target Headquarter
December 2023

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