Global Leaders portfolio strategy
A concentrated portfolio of developed market equities
Offshore segregated services
Investec Wealth & Investment (W&I) is one of South Africa’s leading providers of tailored investments for high net worth individuals.
W&I offers managed and advisory services in both South Africa (SA) and the United Kingdom (UK) and the research and investment skills across the Group are employed to offer our clients the opportunity to invest in offshore segregated services.
These services enable a South African investor to access offshore investments that have been carefully selected by the investment manager in SA, in conjunction with the expertise provided by the research team and investment managers in the UK.
Global Leaders Portfolio Strategy
The Global Leaders Portfolio (GLP) strategy is a discretionary managed segregated portfolio invested in equities, primarily offered to international and high net-worth clients looking for a concentrated portfolio of developed market global equities as part of their overall investment strategy. GLP adopts a capital growth approach to investing and it should be understood that this service does entail material risk of capital loss.
Our disciplined process blends investment art with science. Decisions are made by an experienced team of investment managers and researchers, drawing on the resources and expertise of W&I in both SA and the UK.
Diversification is used to build a sound portfolio of equities across regions and sectors, quoted on stock markets in the developed world. The portfolio is managed actively in the sense that it will differ markedly from the benchmark, but since our focus is on high quality investments whose value compounds over time with superior retained earnings, turnover will be low. This long-term buy and hold strategy also minimises the number of transactions on the portfolio, helping to control costs, which is an important element in targeting positive returns.
Investment Process
At W&I we use a collegiate approach throughout the investment process. This is based on a belief that in a highly complex, rapidly-changing world, supplying a group of engaged, experienced professionals with the best available inputs in a disciplined framework results in better, more consistent decisions than any individual can make on their own.
Our view of the investment environment is formed using a combination of in-house research in conjunction with the views of independent research organisations and challenged by our most experienced investment managers.
The process of forming our ‘house view’ starts with our Global Investment Strategy Group, whose role is to judge the global investment climate and advise our global businesses as to how much (or how little) risk we should be taking, independent of geographical location or type of client.
Local asset allocation committees in each of our regions then apply this advice to their own portfolios and benchmarks.
Finally, dedicated investment management committees interpret this message for each of the strategies that we offer – selecting investments and implementing geographic or sector tilts according to the individual mandate requirements.