The CA Programme offers trainees an opportunity to give back to those less fortunate through the CAres Programme. Driven by a dedicated CAres team, the trainees are encouraged to participate in a number of initiatives, supported by funds raised by the trainees.


Run by CA Trainees
Run by CA Trainees

CAres is a self-funded and trainee-run programme managed by a dedicated committee and supported by trainees on the CA Programme. Currently, we are involved in two key initiatives: Just One Child (JOC) Orphanage and the Itsoseng Crèche.

Key initiatives

CAres logo
JOC Orphanage

The Just One Child (JOC) organisation was established to create a safe and loving environment for abandoned children.  CA trainees visit the JOC house and assist with homework and also commit to taking the children on exciting outings, raising funds and obtaining donations to improve their wellbeing and living conditions. The CA trainees also take the children on an annual shopping trip and ensure that each child receives a gift for their birthday.

Itsoseng creche
Itsoseng Crèche

The Itsoseng Crèche in the Eskom informal settlement in Muldersdrift, Johannesburg, looks after up to 40 children. Our CAres team are involved in improving the crèche’s learning environment by building new classrooms, implementing an annual curriculum, and providing stationery and supplies. In the past trainees have organised visits to the zoo, a jumping castle day, sand-art and an annual highlight – the Christmas shoebox event. The trainees have built a vegetable garden which has now been feeding the crèche for the past year.

Itsoseng Creche

The children at Itsoseng crèche have recently received four brand new jungle gyms from CAres thanks to the fundraising efforts of our trainees. These jungle gyms are specifically designed for toddlers - colourful, plastic, light, durable and safe. The children couldn’t wait for the installations to be complete and delightedly rushed to the jungle gyms when they were ready.  Click here to find out more about Itsoseng crèche.

Annual Initiatives

  • The first years are tasked with raising funds for CAres initiatives, through a variety of means through a variety of means including raffles, cake sales, braais and other creative campaigns.
  • In November each year the CAres committee organise a Christmas Gift initiative whereby trainees bring a box filled with toys to be wrapped and then distributed to the children at Itsoseng.
  • We participate in Rise Against Hunger where trainees package over 20,000 meals which feeds roughly eighty children for a year.
Get in touch with our CAres team
Call us

+27 (0)11 286 7000