Our business impact through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Investec recognises that the supply chain is a key area through which it can drive positive sustainable impact. We collaborate closely with our suppliers and sub-contractors to support environmentally and socially responsible behaviours and practices.
Programmes such as Road to 2030 and Class of 2030 are available to educate our suppliers and other stakeholders on the SDGs and further educate on the SDGs Investec has committed to.
We recognise that educating our suppliers on the SDGs can effectively encourage and implement responsible consumption and production habits across the supply chain.
Investec's procurement statement incorporates standards on human rights, labour rights and environmental and anti-corruption principles as set out in the UN Global Compact. We further engage with our suppliers to understand their processes and policies and explore how any climate and nature-related or environmental matters might impact them.

- Carbon neutral in our direct operations and publicly disclose our Scope 3 financed emissions
- Minimal exposure to fossil fuels: Investec Group committed to zero thermal coal in our loan book by 31 March 2030
- €132 green loan to support a German electric vehicle charging network tender

- DLC Board: 58% women and 42% Board members are persons of colour
- IBP: Female Bank Chief Executive
- IBL: Level 1 BBBEE
- Provided 3 671 internships through the Youth Employment Service programme for youth in South Africa

Our six core SDGs

I am committed to continuing our membership of the UN GISD Alliance, helping to drive progress on the SDGs both for the Investec Group and throughout the wider economy.