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Our rates

 Per annum rateEAR (based on an arranged overdraft limit of £1,200)
Arranged Overdraft12.75% variable (Bank of England base rate + 8%)13.52% variable


Unarranged overdraft interest is charged at 12.75% per annum variable. Our unarranged overdraft interest rate is charged at 8% above the Bank of England base rate.

Our interest rates track the Bank of England base rate. You can find the Bank of England base rate on the Bank of England website.

Representative rate

Based on an arranged overdraft of £1,200, the interest rate you will be charged is 13.52% EAR* (variable). This gives a representative rate of 25.38% APR** (variable).

How does our overdraft compare?

A good way to compare the cost of our overdraft with other overdrafts or other ways of borrowing is to look at the representative APR. The APR shows the cost of borrowing over a year.

How much does my overdraft cost in pounds and pence?

The table below shows the interest cost of borrowing £500 on a Private bank account arranged overdraft

7 days30 days60 days


The 60 days example above includes the interest charged after 30 days.

We charge a £10 monthly maintaining the account fee for this account, which would be payable in addition to the interest costs above.

About the Private bank account arranged overdraft

  • Interest is calculated daily and charged to your account each month.
  • Your arranged overdraft is repayable on demand
  • Arranged overdraft interest is not charged on card spend until statement date

Eligibility for the Private bank account arranged overdraft

You will be eligible for an arranged overdraft provided:

  • You satisfy our credit and internal due diligence checks
  • You are a permanent resident of the UK, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man. 
  • You have (or in the case of joint applicants, one of you has) a minimum gross income of £300,000 per year and a NAV of at least £3m.

Additional income requirements may apply for self-employed applicants. Applications from existing Investec Group clients not meeting these requirements may still be considered.

To apply for your arranged overdraft, log in to online banking.

General Overdraft Information

The Private bank account arranged overdraft is a credit facility we agree with you in advance, allowing you to borrow money up to an agreed limit when there is no money left in your account. If you are eligible, you can apply for an arranged overdraft in Investec Online once your account is open. You can find our eligibility criteria in our relationship agreement. We might check your credit rating with a  credit reference agency before agreeing to give you an arranged overdraft.

An unarranged overdraft is a form of credit created when a payment leaves your account but you do not have any money left in your account and you have reached (or do not have) an arranged overdraft limit. We do not have to provide an unarranged overdraft. We might also end up refusing a payment due to lack of funds if you are in (or would go into) your unarranged overdraft. Your service provider might charge you for missed payments.

We will charge you interest on both types of overdraft (arranged overdraft and unarranged overdraft) and the rates we charge are available on our website. If you are unable to repay your arranged overdraft or unarranged overdraft, we may report this information to a credit reference agency. Both types of overdraft are typically intended for short-term rather than long-term borrowing.

We may send information regarding the conduct of your account to credit reference agencies. As with any debt or borrowing, this may affect your ability to get credit in the future.  

Support for clients with overdrafts

If you are concerned about your overdraft borrowing, you can contact us to discuss your circumstances and how we might be able to help you with your overdraft.

You can find more information on the kinds of support we might be able to offer here.

We're here to help

*Equivalent Annual Rate is a representative interest rate that shows the rate you would pay if you remained overdrawn for a year.
**The Annual Percentage Rate shows the cost of borrowing over a year, including the interest you’ll have to pay and applicable fees. It is intended to be used to help you compare the cost of our overdraft with other overdrafts and lending products.