A podcast dedicated to sustainability
Listen now on Investec Focus Radio SA, available on Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts and iono.fm, or browse the episosdes below.
Episode 8: No change, no future - Finding your impact
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Preventing life-threatening climate change is no longer a possibility. We need to leverage every tool possible to change our behaviours and secure our survival. In the final episode of Investec's sustainability podcast series, we hear from four individuals who've made sustainability their personal mission. Discover how you too can make a surprisingly big impact through small personal changes. Read more.
Episode 7: Export finance – the sustainability maker
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Export Finance is a unique source of funding to enable crucial socio-economic development in Africa. It's worth approximately $250 billion a year and is particularly well suited to achieving the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. Investec experts Brian Irvine and Chris Mitman, together with Hussein Sefian from Acre Impact Capital explain what it entails and why private investors want a slice. Read more.
Episode 6: Facing up to SA's human trafficking problem
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Human trafficking in South Africa involves the exploitation of vulnerable children, women and men for the purposes of sex and slave-like labour. Ending modern slavery, trafficking and child labour is the purpose of Sustainable Development Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth. Learn how victims of human trafficking fall, why they stay and what banks and other organisations are doing to combat the scourge. Read more.
Episode 5: Net zero: Renewables can't go it alone
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Consensus is we need more than renewables to reach net zero. So what does SA’s future energy mix look like? Experts from Investec, and the CEO of Nala Renewables shed some light on a hotly debated topic. Read more.
Episode 4: Reimaging education in rural SA
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For decades, rural children in South Africa have suffered a debilitating condition: an estrangement from learning that causes a lifetime of struggle. Countering this trend is the key focus of th UN's Sustainable Development Goal 4. One NPO, Good Work Foundation, is providing an antidote. Hear from GWF's founder, teachers and those who have gone through GWF programmes and are now gainfully employed. Read more.
Episode 3: Greenlighting power: the story of a green bond
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The World Economic Forum expects the annual issuance of green bonds to exceed $1 trillion in 2023, double 2021’s figure. But what are they, and can they help solve SA’s power crisis? Experts from Investec, Kathu Solar Park explain why green bonds can go a long way to meet sustainability goals. Read more.
Episode 2: Conservation, communities and the rhino crisis
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The crux of the matter is that when your physiological needs are not being met, there is no incentive to conserve anything, let alone a rhino. Care for Wild, the largest rhino sanctuary in the world understands this and has from its start over 11 years ago put communities at the centre of its conservation model to build up sustainabl business in rural areas. We hear from the founders and some of their employees. Read more.
Episode 1: Demystifying sustainable investing
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What’s the difference between ESG, sustainable and impact investing? Experts unpack the buzz words. Get insights from Investec, hydrogen-focused VC firm AP Ventures, the Bertha Centre for Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship and social enterprise Kusini Water. Read more.
Meet our host
Sebenzile Nkambule
Sebenzile's insightful and courageous interview style has seen her host shows on almost all of South Africa's major radio stations including Power 98.7, Talk Radio 702, Cape Talk 567, and most recently SAFM.
She's passionate about economic and social justice, human rights, and media. She facilitates workshops and delivers keynotes and presentations on the importance of transformation, and how to leverage the opportunity presented by diversity.
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