Earn a competitive interest rate on your savings and protect your returns from rate fluctuations.
To protect the returns you make on your hard-earned savings, our offshore fixed-term deposit is priced against money market rates. You earn a competitive rate of interest that’s typically higher than easy access account rates and is fixed for the full term of your deposit.
You specify the length of your deposit term, with options ranging from one week to one year. We calculate your interest daily and pay it to you in the currency you choose when your deposit matures.
How this account works
You select the term you want, from one week to one year. Once you’ve paid in the starting balance, your money stays invested until the end of your specified term. You can’t withdraw it before then.
If you plan to withdraw your money when the deposit matures, contact us with your instructions before the maturity date. You can withdraw your deposit and interest, or just the interest.
At maturity, if we haven’t received your instructions we’ll reinvest your original deposit and interest earned into another fixed term deposit on the same terms you originally selected.
The 32-Day Notice Account provides the fastest access to money from our notice accounts. The money stays invested until 32 days after we’ve received a written notice requesting withdrawal.
This hybrid savings account enables easy access to 50% of the deposited savings and the performance of saving the rest in the long term with 32-day notice. There’s no minimum opening balance and no minimum term.
The 90-day notice account has the highest tiered interest rates of all of our notice accounts. The money stays invested until 90 days after we’ve received a written notice requesting withdrawal.
Enjoy the performance of a 180-day notice account, and the confidence of accessing 10% of the cash if your client's priorities change. You need an opening deposit of £100,000 or $100,000.