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Future Space

12 Feb 2018

The new ‘pro-sharing’ workspace economy

The shift in social attitudes from ‘ownership to access’ and the growing sharing economy has begun to deeply impact the global perspective of the workplace. 

Co-sharing workspaces are rapidly overtaking working or meeting at coffee shops and make sense on many levels for more than just the entrepreneur, millennial or freelancer. The concept of ‘pro-sharing’ – or having a co-working space for the executive or professional – is attracting the attention of corporates and multi-nationals for its ease of use, security, and flexibility, especially in uncertain economic environments where long-term lease commitments are risky.


We interview Linda Trim, Director of FutureSpace, a collaboration between Investec Properties and Giant Leap, about trends in creating space for the professional, especially in the South African context.


"Pro-working is about having a space for professionals to be productive, it's not just about having a ping pong table for millennials" - Linda Trim

Other benefits include:


  • The flexibility to shrink and grow with your business
  • Small companies can now find affordable space in sought-after locations
  • Not having to pay for office staff, security, fitting out your own space or getting the latest tech 
  • Technology in a shared space is kept up to date

Watch video: Inside a 'plug and play' work space


"Typically it was millennials and start-ups that were interested in shared work spaces, now we're increasingly seeing multi-nationals moving in."

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00:10 Why is the working environment so important?

00:45 Who uses shared office spaces?

02:15 Tell us about FutureSpace

03:16 Where to from here?

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