You were made to do the impossible. To turn a tide, raise a roof, or raise hell. You were made for the big and the small moments, to live each of them to the fullest.
Investec Life was made for you, not only for payouts on death, but with generous living benefits focused on helping you defy the odds and recover from illness or injury.
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Severe Illness Cover
Recover without financial shortfalls
If you are diagnosed with a severe illness like cancer, a stroke or heart attack, you need the breathing room to recover. Protect yourself against financial shortfalls – even from future unknown illnesses – and any treatment costs not covered by your medical aid.

Disability Cover
Enabling your lifestyle adjustment
When the unexpected happens and you’re forced to adapt, financial worries should be the last thing on your mind. We will pay you a lump sum to help you cover expensive rehabilitation or changes to your home and lifestyle so you can focus on recovery.

Life Cover
Let your legacy be their future
Even in your absence, you can ensure your loved ones live an extraordinary life, enabling them to maintain their lifestyle, assets and aspirations. To make things easier, we’ll pay your family up to R100,000 within two business days while we assess the claim.

Mortgage Protection Cover
Keep your home in the family
If something happens to you, your outstanding Investec home loan balance will be settled. We offer the most efficient cover in the market, with premiums that automatically adjust to your home loan balance, saving you up to 50% in premiums over the term of the policy.

Income Protection Cover
Pays you a salary while you recover
Protect your ability to earn an income if you are unable to work due to an illness or injury. Income Protection Cover helps you meet monthly financial commitments with cover of up to 100% of your net of tax income. You are also protected for both temporary and permanent disabilities.

Business Overheads Cover
Keep your business going when life pushes pause
They say running a business is like raising a child – it needs constant care and attention to grow. When you’re unable to work due to an illness or injury, we will cover up to 100% of your business’s fixed expenses while you recover.
Made for living
Contact the Investec Life team for more information or advice
You can contact our team on +27 (11) 291 3934 or 0860 443 443. Alternatively, please email us on, or click the button below: