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Christmas tree at Chatsworth House

26 Nov 2021

Behind the magic of Christmas at Chatsworth

This year we celebrate 20 magical years of Christmas at Chatsworth.

The house first opened it’s doors for the Christmas installation in 2001 after Derbyshire’s tourism industry was badly hit by the outbreak of foot and mouth disease earlier that year. What was only intended to be a one-off to help boost the local economy, has now become Chatsworth’s most anticipated time of year that brings many families from all over the country to the Derbyshire estate over the festive season.

As we come full circle to 2021 and the COVID-19 pandemic, it was only right that this year’s theme focused on reflection and positivity as the country continues to recover from the pandemic.

Chatsworth kindly invited us to join the journey this year as they prepare for their biggest Christmas yet. Watch below for behind the scenes footage of the team preparing the house and insight from those who are at the heart of the installation each year.

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